Day 1: It's the New Year! New chapter in my life new beginning of a fresh 365 days of new adventurers. Today was filled with tons to write on my first page of 2017. Birthday party, seeing friends I haven't seen in years and meeting new friends. Going and wishing some special friends a very Happy New Year. And a little shopping on the first day of the year as well. What fun was crammed into today. Thank you Mary McCormick Loomis, Geo Sutter, Shirley, and many others new and old friends that made today awesome! Great start to the New Year. Blessings

Day 2 of my fresh page of celebration of a clean slate and new beginnings. Thankful for sleeping in and staying snugly warm beneath warm fuzzy blankets. My electric blanket to curl up under to stay warm on the couch watching old Andy Griffin sitcom. Just having a lazy day due to the extra long weekend. Loving just the peace and quiet with the beauty of the future that lays before in the year ahead. So excited to see what awaits me. The sweet peace that says it's all going to work and be okay. Loving the peacefulness! Blessings ♡♡♡

Day 3 of turning my page in the New Year. Having a hot shower and a warm place to get ready for my busy day. Loving the sunshine today as I went from one appointment to another. Enjoyed a wonderful lunch today. Had amazing service that was the best I've had in a very long time.....excellent! The drive home today was amazing! Enjoying the beauty of the snow capped mountains with the pink blue sky that melted into the beauty of landscape. Knowing my glass is neither half empty nor half full. Knowing that glass is overflowing with the beauty and grace of God's love and gifts daily for me. Though a full busy day....I'm feeling very accomplished. What a blessing to be given such a beautiful day to enjoy in everyday adventurers. Blessings

Day 4 blessings of the New Year: Happy the Lord woke me for another day. Creating a few beautiful smiles at the salon. Covered gas...that is a good thing. Getting my linen cleaned on my bed. Finding a few more blankets to add to the comfort and warmth of my snugly warm bed as the temperatures drop I will stay warm. Thankful for prayers and encouragement that carry me through the day. Counting my blessings one by one through this coming year. I am blessed. Blessings

Day 5 of making new in prints on this day that I was blessed with. Up early and out the door to create some smiles of beauty. Lunch to celebrate the beautiful Mary McCormick Loomis birthday. Loving the sunshine and beauty as the sun glisten on Mt.Hood today. So majestic to look at. The beauty that is all around me just takes my breathe away at times. I truly live in God's country. So excited to pay off two bills today and working on paying some medical bills off. Thank you Lord for your provisions daily and meeting my needs. I'm always amazed to see the hand of God work in my behalf. So blessed! Blessings

Day 6 in prints of an amazing day of beauty and icy cold. Thank you Mary McCormick Loomis for changing your mind and coming on a cold Winter's day adventure with me. Also thank you for driving and an early dinner was yummy too. Loved the view. So much beauty to take in and capture. So thankful for a Winter road trip through some of the most amazing Falls and ice beauty. Truly blessed to live where I do. Blessings
Day 7 of my new chapter in my life. A no make-up and bad hair day. All snuggled up in my big warm fuzzy blankets trying to stay warm. Thankful for my down jacket and gloves to take a walk earlier today in the wind and snow to get my mail. Learning to live alone even though I hate it. Watching Hallmark movies. Thankful for the roof over my head that keeps me from the elements of the storm outside. Watching through the widows the wind blowing the snow; into swirling snow flurries. As I look up, knowing God holds me and all my tomorrow's. Blessings

Day 8 Waking to a magical Winter ice storm; that is creating icicle wonders across the state and a Winter wonderland across the nation. So another day to do some R&R. Thankful for being able to enjoy the magic and wonder of the beauty from the comfort of my home. For the Internet, as I viewed all the captured Winter pictures, from family and friends. In Awe of the Winter wonderland that I'm able to view through this amazing technology. Thank you everyone for sharing your photos. I so appreciate and enjoy them all. Feeling connected to a world and places I would not be able to see and enjoy otherwise. Always am amazed at all the blessings I have to be thankful for. Even with a cracked view that appears broken. Blessings

Day 9 of building my foundation for the year ahead. First things first today. A bit of coffee before I go work on clearing the car and driveway from all the ice and snow. A pleasant surprise David came over to help me out. Even brought me a sweet roll. Maybe not the best thing...but the thought counts. Getting to my destination to and from safely today. Just so grateful to all that clear the roads for us. Working on the pillars of my life that will make me stronger for the road ahead of me. Enjoying the beauty once again that the snow and ice have made. Loving the slow melt of beauty. Just like me chipping and melting away the gross to create the beauty within. Thank you Lord for revealing the beauty even in the ugliest of storms. Blessings

Day 10 slipping into another new day. Thankful for the alternative medicine in chiropractic practice in medicine. First round this morning. Excited to see how this will help with pain levels. Enjoying being able to get around a little bit today. Even when doing the slip and slide dance on the ice. Grateful for the angels encamped about that held me up as I did the banana split. Hearing all three of my daughter's voices today. I love you Webber Heather, Amber Webber, Rachael. Three of the best gifts I have ever been gifted with. I'm so honored and proud to be called their mom. Each day they amaze me with their strength and beauty. I'm truly blessed. Blessings

Day 11 Waking to a Winter wonderland. Taking a snow day. Thankful I'm able to make that decision. Morning coffee, then out the door for the many adventurers I will have right outside in my own front yard. Shoveling and cleaning car, driveway and sidewalk. Building a little snowman. (My goal completed.) Pictures of the beauty of the Winter wonderland, watching the neighborhood kids have fun. A delightful walk through the neighborhood, taking it all in. So enjoying the fluffy white stuff on my terms. Hot shower and warm electric blanket after a day of snow. My blessings fill my blank pages with so much to be thankful for. Blessings

Day 12 Finding the beauty in each day sometimes feels like okay; I've got nothing. But then as I reflect I find many things that have marked my day in rich beauty. Then I realize I have so much to be thankful for. Sleeping in today and getting that extra beauty rest. Another snowed in day as the sun starts the melting of the snow creating more rich Winter beauty to take in. Being able to bundle up and take two mini walks through the neighborhood and soak in the sunshine. Thankful for the chirping birds that sing of the glorious day we have been blessed with. Blessings
Day 13 Up early for appointment that ended up being canceled due to road conditions. So....I made it a no make-up, hair day just kicking back relaxing. Wrapped up in my electric blanket just trying to stay warm today. Enjoying the quiet of the day. Happy I don't have any pressing appointments or events that I need to be at. Just a peaceful day doing absolutely nothing special. Blessings

Day 14 Swinging into a cold windy day, as I'm awoken to heavy winds. Today brought East County winds blowing the snow and creating freezing roads. Making yet for another day of being captured by the Winter storm. Locked inside where it's safe and warm against the Winter elements. Thankful for my home. Today I was caught in my thoughts and memories. Swinging around or is that swirling around?........LOL......Curious of things that have answers.....just wondering.........why? Knowing each relationship takes respect, honesty, trust, just to mention a few qualities that go into a great relationship. Questioning relationships that seem to be questionable at best. Wondering how some can just toss friendships aside, no acknowledgement they even existed; talking one day, then poof! Life happens people change. Priorities of importance .... wondering how they are, what changed? Praying....yes praying. Lost in thoughts of prayers and conversation with my Lord. Answers....waiting. thankful for this quiet time with my Father in heaven. Lost in thoughts, memories, love, conversation of loving prayers on this cold windy Winters day. Blessed to have the time to do so. As I swing back and forth in thoughts and prayers, this has been a good day to do so. Blessings

Day 15 Another snow day of the Winter cold. So grateful the winds died as the sun beamed down slowly melting the snow. A brisk walk today out of the neighborhood up to the main roads. As I enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. Taking some photos of the big melt. Another day of no make-up or hair being done. Seems strange....but kinda of nice. Thanking the Lord for my oldest granddaughter Sara Harris who celebrates her birthday today. Watching the Packers game. Happy they won! Over all another peaceful quiet day of reflection and all the Lord has blessed me with. Name of my photo below (There's always room for one more). So enjoy taking photos and sharing what my lens captures. Blessings

Day 16 Shoveling my way right out of this neighborhood. Woke up to beautiful sunshine once again today. Needed to shovel snow from around the foundation of house. Getting it done. Thank you Edie Ricker Cowell for this information from one of your post. Feeling good about this accomplishment and energetic. Took another stroll out of the neighborhood to the main road and back. Then Mary McCormick Loomis showed up and took me on a grand adventure. Life couldn't be better. What an adventure we had through the Columbia River Gorge up onto the old scenic hwy; viewing the frozen snow covered Falls. Then we cruised around Troutdale and Gresham checking out the roads. A day filled with some work around the house and then treated to an awesome adventure. Truly I did shovel my way right out of the neighborhood, right into some Winter beauty. Feeling extremely blessed. Blessings

Day 17 Waking to more cancellations; due to the continuing Winter weather and new Winter ice storm. Looking at this day find the blessings and the silver lining in this day. Making life blossom even when it's difficult in the icy frozen snow covered day. So in the comfort of my home I made business calls that have been put off, and some just to reschedule appointments that have been canceled over the past two weeks. Turning this upside down day into a semi productive day. Then a short walk out to the main road and back. So COLD it was hard to even enjoy. But grateful I got it in before the freezing rain came. Happy that I am sitting under the warmth of my electric blanket enjoying the peaceful quiet. As I look forward to the rain and melting snow and ice. More time for more reflection and prayers. Each whispered in love to my Father in heaven knowing He will answer each one. Blessings

Day 18 Splish splash we are melting away this Winter wonderland of snow and ice. Now comes the rain with possible flooding. So thankful for the rain and warmer temperatures. Enjoyed my walk through the neighborhood once again to the main road to see the slushy mushy main roads. Then decided to go for a little drive this afternoon. Was so nice to get into the car and go for a drive. Roads were looking good considering all the Winter storms. Feeling good about getting life back to normal, whatever that looks like. It's been a peaceful uneventful normal day. Thankful for daily blessings that we take for granted everyday. Blessings

Day 19 So excited to get up and get ready for work. No more feeling like a rock stuck in the mud. Being greeted by all the lovely ladies wanting to get their hair done. It appears I was very missed, so feeling the love. It is very heart warming as well as gratifying knowing that they are being so blessed and I was so missed. After work a wonderful little drive along the Sandy River on Historic Hwy US 30. Then stopped and took a walk along the river. It was great to be out and soaking in the beauty of nature. As the river ebbs and flows with its banks breasting at capacity it gives me peace knowing even as I have felt this way at times will recede and be normal once again. As the birds of the air you meet each need Lord. Thank you Lord for all the many blessings you place before me daily. Blessings

Day 20 Early rise for another day of simple beauty. So grateful for my little salon and the ladies and gentlemen that come in to see me. As I bring smiles of beauty to them, they bring joy and smiles to my soul. A paycheck that leaves a permanent mark forever etched upon my heart. For the quiet moments of prayers for those I love. Songs on the radio that make my eyes twinkle and dance. Even the tear drops that escape from a memory held. The moments in life that seem to be the ordinary but truly are the extraordinary, that make life worth living. The ones who touch us in love everyday whether with their presence or in the silence of their absence. Each one puts prints on our life making us who we are. Thankful for the heart prints of life from all that have crossed my path. Whether for a short stay or a life time. Each has brought a lesson a smile a tear drop, of joy. Good or bad it has formed who I am. You are all loved and prayed for by me daily. Thank you for enriching my life by your presence. Blessings

Day 21 Brings a quiet start to the day. Talking to my mom always is a blessing. So blessed to still have her with us. Got to love technology and all the advancements. Though phones have been around for awhile they have changed over time. So glad I can afford one and can speak to my family and friends. Love hearing their voices when I cannot see them or be with them. An invite out today with Mary McCormick Loomis. Then an invite out withRebecca Sherrett. What a lovely time out with them both. Loved the concert at church with Rebbecca that she invited me too. Seeing the break through in the little things in my life. The light shining forth giving me fresh hope and renewed faith that the storm is passing and the victory is coming. Thank you Lord! Blessings

Day 22 It is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice in it. Today I went to church with Rebecca Sherrett and was so blessed by the Scared Ground Worship team visiting her church. Thank you for thinking of me. The sun was peeping in and out today playing a bit of peek-a-boo. So went for a little drive and walk around Glenn Otto Park this afternoon. Though cut a bit short due to personal needs; I was glad to be out taking in the sights and fresh air. Sitting in my car listening to the radio.Thankful for hot water so I can have a hot shower to warm my body. The little things I take for granted everyday. I'm so grateful to live in America in this great country; were I can worship freely and come and go as I please. Have fresh running water and a home with many comforts. Blessings

Day 23 Rise and shine to a wonderful pot of coffee. Drinking at my leisure. Back to routines this week. Warm clothes still the picks of the wardrobe. Afternoon appointment went well. Felt good to be there. The drive home amazing as I looked up at the sky. The colors rich in beauty hand painted by God for me to enjoy. First a blue sky painted in various shades lined with the golden branches of trees reaching to heaven. Reminding me He reaches down for me as I cry out to Him. Then the rainbow., which gives me peace and reminds me of His promises. The final picture in the sky was the sky on fire. Reminding me of the burning love He has for me and how He burns all the dross from my life to bring beauty from all the ugly. If the only reason to be out today was to see the sky; it was the perfect gift. To remind me of His perfect love and all that He has for me. Though there are many things I can put on my list to be thankful for, the sky stands out as the perfect thing to be thankful for today. The creator of the heavens and earth who woke me this morning for the beauty He was painting for me to enjoy. Because He loves me so much He didn't want me to miss out on this perfect gift. Blessings

Day 24 Waking to many appointments that had been rescheduled several times over due to weather. Really happy to have these appointments hold and be able to go to them. Learning more about alternative medicine for my pain, anxiety, and stress. Thankful for the opportunity to have these alternatives presented to me, and an opportunity to try them. Excited to see how well they work. Enjoying my new bible study that I will be doing for the next six weeks. Feeling hopeful and blessed as I continue to focus on the positive, even in the mundane of each day. Finding the blessings is becoming kind of a fun game for me. As I find the good in everyday and that not so good when things aren't going the way I think they should. God's blessings are all around me. Thank you Lord for another day of being captured by your daily blessings in the ordinary. Blessings

Day 25 Was rise and shine for a day of beauty at the salon. And it was a wonderful full day. Eight ladies and one gentleman. I got a work out today and it felt good to put in a full day. Then home to pay some bills. Not always what I want to do. Thankful for the money I made to pay them. Today when I was working I was thinking how many ladies and gentlemen have come through my doors over the years. Some have been some memorable characters for sure. Each beating to their own drum. Then I was thinking how people come in and out of our lives. Some I miss very much, others I know were there for a season even though I miss their presence in my life very much. Others grateful they are gone and not in my life. But thankful for the lesson they came with for me. Others passing through as a gentle butterfly just leaving beautiful life prints on my heart. So many have come and gone; just like in the salon. Interesting the things that pass through my head sometimes. Now as the day closes I'm grateful for my bottle of color. As I turned my bathroom into my personal salon this evening to wash all the natural highlights right out. It has been a full day of working and living life. Glad I get to beat to my own drum as well. Blessings

Day 26 Rise and shine to a very full and busy day. Appointments to keep, people to see, and adventures to be had. Truly was everything a dayshould have in it. Work for the hands, a little business, visits with friends, fresh air with some outdoor adventure. Feeling connected to the world around me. Thankful for each blessing and gift in the day. The sky was a bit gloomy, but found sunshine on my path as I journeyed to each appointment and each smile that crossed my path. Leaving a heart print of joy upon my day from the fisherman on the Sandy River. The little girl on her bike with her momma; the son knocking on the door hollering for his mom, the homeless man who wanted to know why I was taking pictures of the sky; the lady behind the counter who was signing me in to my appointment. The Samsung specialist who made my phone work so much better and fixed my camera. To my friends and their smiles of love and encouragement; just to mention a few. Each one bringing a little light into my world with their light and blessing me with sunshine under a gloomy sky. So many blessings to be thankful for. Feeling like the richest woman in the world. Thank you Lord. Blessings