The snows are melting
As the ground breaks
Life is starting to bloom
Bringing with it
New hope
Winds are blowing
The sun is warming
The weather is changing
New growth is visible
As the sun warms the soul
Life abounds
Once again
We heard a roar
As March blew in
But with a gentle cry
She will leave as a lamb
With the gentle rains
Of life
Gently peeking their beauty
In rare blooms
Kissed by the
Morning frost
Of love
Life will
Bloom in the light of His glory
As March blows through
In a blink of an eye
March 22~ Good morning! Not much sleep and a very early morning rise.
1. Early morning morning coffee and conversation with Bob. Glad your feeling better.
2. Vitamins
3. My favorite morning text of love from my daughter Amber Webber. I love you!
4. WOW! Early morning phone call from Webber Heather. Love receiving these calls. Love you and this good morning call.
5. Talking with B-man and wishing him a good day. Love you grandson.
6. Getting my tires done on my car.
7. Two early morning walks getting in almost 6,000 steps before 10 a.m. today.
8. Watching the wildlife at Sunset Park this morning.
9. Long afternoon nap after a full morning.
10. Spring rain.
Thank you Lord for this day of smiles and beauty of early Spring. For meeting all of my needs spoken and unspoken. For a peaceful afternoon of relaxing. Thank you for all of this and so much more. Blessings
March 23~ Good morning! Finally a good night's sleep. That is a huge blessing and huge thankful for me. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get some sleep.
1. Texting back and forth with my daughter Amber.
2. Warm sweaters to keep me warm.
3. String cheese to snack on.
4.Morning coffee is always something to be so very thankful for.
5. MeTV and all the old spaghetti westerns. Really just enjoy watching old programs.
6. A short walk up to the mailbox and back.
7.The beautiful puffy clouds in the sky today.
8.Listening to the birds sing and the kids playing outside.
9. The quiet of my home...though at times I wish it was filled with my family and loved ones. I miss them so very much.
10. Tears that wash the soul and heart even in deep pain it brings a cleansing. Thankful the Lord holds them as diamonds in a jar. Silent prayers that the Lord understands and answers. Thank you!
11. Music
Thank you Lord for another day that you have walked me through and held my hand. Thank you for watching over me and meeting all of my needs spoken and unspoken daily. Blessings
March 24~ Good morning! A slow lazy Sunday morning. Listening to God's word. Time to move and get ready for the day.
1. That first cup of coffee in the morning.
2. Talking to my sister Rosie this morning. Always enjoy talking to her. I love you!
3. Meeting Cindy and Maryann for brunch today.
4. The beautiful sunshine warming the day.
5. The signs of Spring. Seeing the blooms finally popping everywhere.
6. The birds fluttering on my patio and chirping.
7. A nice walk with Cindy and the three four legged fur babies.
8. Doing dinner prep for the week with Cindy. I always learn something new. Plus yummy food!
9. Picking up my ring at the jewelers. They were closed and Shari opened the door for me and let me in even though they had been closed for 15 minutes. Thank you so much! And being so gracious to accommodate me.
10. Listening to the kids playing outside in the sunshine having so much fun. Children giggles fill your heart with smiles.
Thank you Lord for another wonderful day of little daily adventures of living life. Thank you for provisions and meeting all of my needs. Thank you for the weekend and sunshine this Sunday as this day comes to a close. Blessings
March 25~ Good morning! Love laying in bed and taking in extra shut eyes. New week and new adventures await me.
1. My favorite morning text from my daughter Amber Webber. Sets the day and week with my heart full of love and smiles.
2. Morning coffee and prayers as I charged the heart monitor.
3. A surge of energy that helps me achieve and accomplish a huge undertaking.
4. Laundry done! Love that I have a washer and dryer and I don't have to go to a laundromat, truly a blessing to be thankful for.
5. Listening to the Spring rain hitting the skylight.
6. Seeing my sister Rosie, and Terrie Bariletti Dunn-Daggett today. Love seeing you. Next time lunch.
7. That my sister Rosie brought me my purse I left at my moms back in February. Strange ..... I have lived without it for this long that I think I'm going to try and not go back to carrying all that junk. Thank you for bringing it back to me.
8. Cleaning out the guest room that has become more of a storage room. Looks so much better.
9. Getting in over 10,000 steps in today just working around the house. Amazing!
10. A short walk up to mailbox and back. And chatting with the neighbor.
Thank you Lord for another day filled with your provisions and love. Blessings
March 26~ Good morning! Well this is the second write of my thankful list sadly my very perfect list with all my perfect thoughts just got lost in cyberspace as I didn't save. I am so bummed it was a lovely post too. Well I will try and recapture some of it the best I can. The sunshine bursting through my windows this morning made for a bright and shiny start along with my favorite good morning text from my daughter Amber Webber. And of course that first cup of coffee that gets my motor running for the day. And these all before I danced out the front door to get my errands done.
1. My walking danskos.
2. The nice youngman at the gas station who filled my tank for me. We had a few issues with the pump and he was so friendly and full of smiles.
3. The nice attendant at the bottle drop who was so joval and had smiles as well. I love the smiles just fill your day with positive energy.
4. Finding the pretty red sundress at Target today; and it was affordable.Even the cashier was friendly and cheerful and full of smiles in there as well.
5. The walk around Fairview Park/Salish ponds today. That was so wonderful and enjoyable. 6. Watching the families walk with their children and fur babies today.
7. Meeting the lovely older couple on the trail and had a lovely little chat with them. They were a delight. They have been married for 45 years. They said I made their day and that they loved my bright and shiny smile. And here I thought they made my day. They shared a park I need to revisit that I haven't been to in a very long time. Peninsula Park they said was the first Rose garden many years ago and was used to crown the Rosarian queens for the Rose Festival. Love the trivia. What a neat couple they were.
8. Watching the squirrels charging and playing tag with one another with their squeals.
9. The birds singing and the insects that make music as well. Loved that I could hear all these sounds around me.
10. Finding the carnival and taking a walk down memory lane.
11.The beautiful sights and sounds of the day that filled my heart with joy.
Thank you Lord for this day and blessing me with feet to walk, ears to hear and eyes to see. Thank you for meeting all of my needs each and everyday. Thank you for waking me up to write another page in my life. Blessings
March 27~ Good morning! Another day I have been given thank you Lord. Early morning rise for smiles of beauty. Such joy this little job brings me each week. So thankful for the opportunity to still be able to have a few clients to bring smiles too.
1. Loving my morning text from Amber Webber I love you my beautiful daughter.
2. That first cup of morning coffee.
3. My drive along the river going to Oregon City on the country roads. So grateful for these backroads. And made great timing today.
4. Watching the wild turkeys and the rest of the wild life in Dolores backyard.
5. All the hummingbirds.
6. Love the girls at my bank and the customer service I recieve there. Miss my gal Chelsie Lanning though. Sending smiles your way.
7. Finding a great little plant for 1.80.
8. Putting my feet up this afternoon.
9. So enjoyed the surprise birthday party this evening. Thank you Cindy for picking me up.
10. Seeing Julie and meeting her new husband. Handsome couple!
Thank you Lord for another day of smiles of beauty. For afternoon relaxation and an evening of laughter and fun with friends celebrating. Thank you for meeting all of my needs. Blessings
March 28~ Good morning! Awaken for another day of life. The sun is shining and it is the day I say goodbye to my my month long buddy. So happy to say goodbye to that monitor. Glad they have these medical devices to help aid in maintaining good health or finding facts to make one healthy which is my case. Thank you modern medicine.
1. You guessed it my favorite good morning text from my daughter Amber Webber. I love you honey.
2. My morning coffee always thankful for those coffee beans that make my morning coffee.
3. Talking to the lady at Nine Line Apparel. Very helpful and loved the happiness that came through the phone lines. Wish all service providers and employees were like that.
4. Driving in the sunshine today as I did my errands. Love that big yellow fireball in the sky.
5. The very helpful phone techs at three different stores. After an all afternoon adventure at AT&T, and two Best Buys, my phone is once again functioning. Thank you to Robin at Best Buy in Gresham, Bryan at AT&T in Gresham, and Brett with Samsung at Best Buy at Cascade Station. All three were outstanding in their service. Thank you to each one of you. Excellent service.
6. A warm sweater to keep me warm today.
7. The fluttering of the birds in the eaves of the roof.
8. Listening to the Spring rain this evening as it patters on the rooftop.
9. Tears that fall from the heart in prayer knowing God hears and will answer. 10.The peaceful quiet of my home. Thank you Lord for this day and for all the wonderful service I received today.
Thank you for meeting all of my various needs abundantly. Thank you for your watchful eye upon my family, friends and I. Blessings
March 29~ Good morning! It's going to be a busy and full day. It is the last Friday of the month as we slide into the weekend. But first things first....that first cup of morning coffee.
1. Always am so thankful for my good morning text from my daughter Amber Webber. Love you honey.
2. Waking up and not being tangled up in monitoring wires and needing to charge for the day.
3. Wearing cute tops and not worrying whether the electrodes and wires are showing. Getting to wear my cute tops once again.
4. My cute grey boots
5. Getting my Friday errands done.
6. Love having a DVR and watching programming on demand.
7. The beautiful sunshine that burst through my windows.
8. Having the doors open for fresh air.
9. Celebrating Maryann's birthday this evening at Bumpers. Lovely evening and yummy dinner.
10. Closing the night out with Cindy listening to some music and meeting Craig. What a nice youngman.
Thank you Lord for another day of smiles and friendships. For birthdays to celebrate. Happy birthday to David and MaryAnn. So thankful for having such amazing people in my life that make each day an adventure and a memorable memory. Thank you for enriching my life and being apart of my story. Love you all. Blessings
March 30 ~ Good morning! Feels like I just went to bed and now its time to get up again and start another day. Wonder how I did it when I was younger. Seems the older I get the more I cannot sleep and the more I don't want to get out of bed in the morning as I just went to sleep. But he sun is bursting through the windows and it is supposed to be a very lovely day today. I so plan on enjoying some of this glorious day. But thankful I did sleep until 9:30 this morning.
1. Love those cups of coffee on those mornings where you just don't want to move. Wait....I love my coffee every morning no matter what! LOL Loving that coffee maker!
2. Chit chat this morning with a few new friends.
3. Having choices in clothing to wear. Large closet of beautiful clothes.
4. Listening to the train whistle.
5. Watching the wildlife today on my walks in the parks today.
6. That I live in a beautiful place where I don't have to go far to walk in nature and in the wetlands. My own personal playground here in my neighborhood.
7. Watching the ottertonight swim and play in the slough of the Sandy River. So cool!
8. Watching the sunset this evening so beautiful! (Just wish I had gotten photos)
9. A stroll through downtown Troutdale this evening after dinner. So lovely.
10. Having my cell phone that takes amazing photos.
Thank you Lord for another day and the energy to get in 10,000 steps once again. Thank you for legs and feet that I can do this and enjoy the beauty of nature and the peacefulness it gives me. Thank you for meeting all of my daily needs and watching over me. Blessings
March 31~ Good morning! Can hardly belief today is the last day of March. It blew in and is blowing out as quickly! Where has it gone? I know it has left whispers of wind blown beauty across the pages of this month on my heart; thank you for the memories. Goodbye March!
1. Sleeping in until the sunlight broke through my windows.
2. Hairspray
3. Clocks that tell me what time it is.
4. Memories that pop up in my head and leave tears on my heart.
5. Sharing lunch with David thank you.
6. Music that makes you smile and want to dance.
7. Notepads
8. Words of encouragement
9. Being silly and not caring what others think because your having fun! And being you!
10. Confidence
Thank you Lord for this day of many blessings spoken and unspoken. Those that I speak silently to you. I am so thankful for this life you've blessed me with. Blessings