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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Three Word Wednesday~ She believed

Believe; verb: Accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of; accept the statement of (someone) as true; [with clause] hold (something) as an opinion, think or suppose.

Penitent; adjective: Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant; noun: A person who repents their sins or wrongdoings and (in the Christian Church) seeks forgiveness from God; (in the Roman Catholic Church) a person who confesses their sins to a priest and submits to the penance that he imposes.

Tribute; noun: An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration; [in sing.] something resulting from something else and indicating its worth;  [as modifier] denoting or relating to a group or musician that performs the music of a more famous one and typically imitates them in appearance and style of performance.

She believed

She believed anything was possible
Her heart had made tribute 
To the love she couldn't have
She went daily to the alter
With a penitent heart
With the believe
That this ache and pain
Would leave
As she released this tribute
Of love 
Which was breaking her heart
The believe 
That someday
It just might be
Even with penitent heart


Did you receive or give flowers today on this first day of May?

Ankle X-ray
April 30,2013
Sadly this is as good as it gets for me according to the doctor.
I will have to live with the swelling and pain.
I have permanent damage done to nerves and tenants
as well as muscle.
There is calcium build up.
Pain caused by the tissue around the scar area  where the plate and screws are.
Thank you for all the love and prayers of support.
I cannot afford second opinion.
But am grateful I can walk.
Below are two fundraiser links to help with medical bills. 
We have no medical insurance to cover medical.
As the weeks have gone by since I have started back to work
The ankle continues to have many issues
The cost of second opinion is much more than I realized
Doctor has discounted my pain meds
Many issues
Needing God's direction
With many prayers 
I feel God is showing us
The direction to go.
God is faithful and I trust this is going to be paid in full;
and every need meet through Him
Thank you!


TCPC said...

Anything for of anything. You are very courageous and I am sure life will find you.

dandeliongirl said...

a beautiful poem about love. Very moving. Such strength to keep going. I hope that you do find an answer soon.

Laurie Kolp said...

Anything is possible for those who believe. I'm praying for you, Bethe.