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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Three Word Wednesday

Docile, adjective: ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.

Inflict, verb [with object]: cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something; (inflict something on) impose something unwelcome on.

Whimper, verb [no object]: (of a person or animal) make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent; [with direct speech] say something in a low, feeble voice expressive of fear or pain; noun: a low, feeble sound expressive of fear or pain; (a whimper) a feeble or anticlimactic tone or ending.

Whimpers could be heard
From the darkness in the room
Docile from each blow
That had been inflicted from the night before
A wounded bird crippled from the hatred
Each word inflicted 
Meant to cause more pain then the last
With each blow inflicted
The more docile she became
Each pray whimpered
Brought only more tears
The hopes of the Saviors love
From the pain that was ministered 
With the intent to destroy
The Lords love lifted her up
With whispers of love
Her prayers answered
In the whimpers of a docile broken soul

~ Beth~

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