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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas lays in the hands of my Lord and Savior. I 

ask that you and Him could bring peace and reconciliation to those

broken and wounded hearts and souls. That we all could see the

glory of Gods hand on this land and His presence of perfect love

and peace. To be able to see joy and laughter in the simple things of

life. I ask that each child would get their dream come true under the

tree. That the Lords perfect unconditional love would prevail. That

No one would be alone on Christmas Day. That the Lord would so

full them up; that they would know how perfectly loved they truly

are. I ask all these things from my broken wounded heart.......the

faith I feel I have lost.........the loneliness I feel everyday. The joy of

life's simple pleasures that has been lost in pain and sorrow. I want

no one to feel this pain or loss of emptiness and lost of hope and

faith, that I have been experiencing throughout these past ten

months. I ask these things in hopes of finding what I have lost in

finding them for others. That the joys of Christmas, the songs, the

lights, the laughter, sitting on your lap and telling you my secret 

wish Santa; that I too would find what I wish for others in my heart.

That I can see that dreams do come true and that there are happy

endings with the Masters touch and the magic of Christmas; when

things seem so frozen in time; yet fresh and new in the hands of our

Savior. Thank you Santa for bring the perfect Christmas gift to each

and all of us this Christmas season.

Thank you Santa.

Merry Christmas!
Daily Journey


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beth, this is simply beautiful. I agree with every word
Blessings my friend