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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Three Word Wednesday

Enchanting, adjective: delightfully charming or attractive.

Fanatical, adjective: filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, obsessively concerned with something.

Giddy, adjective: having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy, disorienting and alarming, but exciting, excitable and frivolous; verb: make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation.

You have enchanted me from the first day
I  gazed upon you

Longing for that moment when our eyes will meet
How I will melt into a thousand little sighs
As my eyes melt into a thousand thoughts of you
As a giddy school girl full of enchanting charm
Lost in my fanatical dreams of you

Your charm makes me giddy with excitement
Wishing and wondering when or next chance meeting will be
The twinkle and tingle of first love
As a silly school girl

As I dance and flutter about as a foolish girl
Dreaming of that moment of chance
The dance that makes me fanatical and giddy
As I await that chance meeting

Longing for that moment 
When you sweep me off my feet
Dancing me across the floor
As romance fills the air

When our eyes meet
Gazing into those beautiful pools of blue
I know I will be lost
In your dancing eyes of blue

You have enchanted me from the first day
I  gazed upon you

The dream comes true 
Enchanted with moonlight rays
Streaming through the window panes
Music softly playing

When my dreams of you come true!


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