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Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Hearts Cry

The Hearts Cry

Inside the heart cry's the tears flow gentle down the


Finding there way into a prayer of love only the Lord hears

 and knows 

For in that prayer is the secrets of the heart 

only known to

 the Lord and I

Placed in His loving care 

my tears like diamonds held in a jar 

For these treasures 

He holds my heart and tears

For Him they are gold!

To the world a broken vessel I appear

But to the Lord a rare and beautiful jewel

As the heart cry's and the tears stain the cheek

Love will wipe away each tear with a gentle kiss of hope

 and faith,

mending the heart with joy of prayers answered

Each one by one

Mending this broken vessel into a rare jewel and treasure.

 As this heart cry's

I place my tears and prayers

in your hands Lord

Knowing you will take care of each one

A gift to hold and know

each one will be meet in YOU

My Father in Heaven 

~ Beth~

1 comment:

the gators said...

this is beautiful just like you!!!