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Sunday, June 25, 2017

June Blessings ~ Counting It All Joy ( Week Three )


Happiness In The Sun!

Summer Fun At The Beach!

June 18~ Good morning! It's Father's Day and I have phone calls to make and a few texts to send out. Happy Father's Day to you dad (Don Good)! It was awesome to talk to you today and Joanne Good. Pray you had a wonderful Father's Day. Love you both. Wishing all you dad's out there a wonderful Father's Day! Time for me to get ready for the day. Hmmmm......overcast They say sunshine and warmth. I'm not feeling it or seeing it. I'll help it along. I will wear my shorts and a sleeves top, and sandals, but I will take a jacket just in case. Ready for my day and possible sunshine. Off to meet my breakfast date. Thank you for the nice late morning and early afternoon company. Time to head home and enjoy the sunshine that broke through the clouds. Why yes Geo Sutter I would love to go for an afternoon drive. What a wonderful surprise to go to an early dinner. Oh yes! Let's do dessert first then dinner. Perfect! Love backward meals. They are so fun! Loved sitting on the patio with the warm sunshine beating down on me. It warmed me up nicely. Love this gorgeous fireball of sunshine, sent just for me. Thank you server for keeping my water glass full for my hydration. What a perfect afternoon and dinner. Always have fun when we go out Geo. Thank you for the invite. Home to sit outside and soak up more of those wonderful sun rays beaming down from heaven. Chatted with mom while enjoying the sunshine. I love you mom! Thank you for always being there. Time to kick back and catch up on some recordings. After a full weekend of fun it's hard to sit alone. Thankful Lord for the hot shower, the fireball in the sky today. Time spent out and not having to cook or eat alone. Smiles and laughter. For those locking eye moments that make you wish things were different. Your blue eyes and humor bring smiles, thank you for the text that made me feel for a moment that life could be different. They say time heals, they say it's time for a new life, Lord lead and guide me into this new dance step in my journey. Looking for that song and dance step that is uniquely all mine. Thank you Lord for these moments that give me a glimpse of this path that is being cleared for me to dance to that new beat. Thank you Lord for stretching, and expanding me in new directions; to stretch my wings to soar. With each step a new treasure and gift to be grateful for. Thank you for today and all the gifts, lessons, and provisions sent from heaven to me. Blessings

June 19~ Waking up to sunshine breaking through the curtains and blinds; warming my heart with big smiles to my soul. It's going to be a beautiful day. Coffee, prayers, gather date book and other tools for the appointments of the day. A little morning coffee out on the porch enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Makes me so happy! First appointment was bitter sweet. Saying goodbye to someone who has helped me through some tough times. I wish you well Joan, I will miss you. Thank you for all the help and advice as well as maneuvering through some difficult times. Your support, and listening ear, and wise wisdom I will carry with me always. More stops! Mary McCormick Loomis love to go to Costco. I have some things I need to get too. Lunch for 1.50 is perfect! Then I won't buy everything in sight. Love catching up with you. Onward to last appointment of the day. Love these ladies and the time we have shared. We have grown so much. I love you all tons. You have given me many gifts over the many months we have had together on Monday's, they hold a special place for me. Support, acceptance, wisdom, a place to be free and me. Unconditional friendship and love that understands without words. I'm glad we are planning to see each other even though we don't have this place to gather. We will make new adventures and memories as we press forward into our next chapters in our lives. Thank you for enriching mine already through these Monday afternoons we have shared. Our Monday's together have helped me grow in so many ways and bring healing to a broken heart. Thank you just doesn't cover it. See you all soon for an adventure. Hello Geo Sutter! Yes a taco sounds good! As I'm laughing thinking of the wonderful snacks with the ladies this after. Oh no! The place we wanted to go closed. Bummer! Another little place we can walk too. Ended up with soup and ice cream shared. A walk through Gresham. Home to put foot up and relax. A happy text! Lord this has been a day of closures and goodbyes. Never easy. Change is hard! I must be ready for some amazing doors for you to lead me too that are ready to be opened by me. Thank you Lord for stretching, expanding me, and preparing me for the next chapter you are leading me into. With expectations and excitement I know the Victory is coming and the best is yet to come. Thank you for your perfect timing Lord in all things regarding my life, even when I'm unsure and unsteady; you have me in the palm of your hand telling me I can walk on water; stay focused and keep my eyes on you. All things work together for your good and your glory. Waiting for the new adventures to begin. Blessings

June 20~ Why is my phone ringing before 6am in the morning. Go away! I don't have to get up today. Evil phone ring! Now try and go back to sleep! Lay in bed toss and turn. Turn on TV and fell asleep. Yea! Good morning 8:30am! Coffee lounge around, shower and shine for the day. Walk up to post box and back. Beautiful day with sunshine and breezes. Perfect! Thank you AmyJune McClure for having Blanche White and I over today for hot tubing and dinner. So enjoyed myself. My feet truly loved the hot tub. The laughter was medicine to the soul. Blanche and you had me in stitches with all your jokes and great humor. It was a great afternoon early evening. Totally relaxing and so enjoyable. Need that fruit salad recipe. So very yummy! For text and phone call that makes me smile. Thank you Lord for laughter and joy that is medicine to soul. For friendships that are built on you. For today's sunshine that I was able to relax and enjoy with friends. Thank you Lord for the many blessings of each day that are taken for granted. You bless me with a new day to fill with your love and treasured gifts every morning all day until days end. I am blessed! Blessings

June 21~ Summer is here! Love waking to Summer sunshine streaming through my windows. Coffee time on this beautiful Wednesday of smiles of beauty and happiness at the salon. Seven beautiful ladies await their turn. Each brings me joy and a smile that fills my heart with joy. Pay checks of the heart. The best pay checks to receive. Off early enough to enjoy some of this beautiful day. Thank you Geo Sutter for meeting up with today. Thank you for helping me pick out the perfect dress for my class reunion today. Thank you for dinner too. It was good. Now I have lunch for tomorrow. Perfect! Just want to thank AmyJune McClure for the patch today. It did give some relieve from the pain. Feet up resting them. Lord thank you for this day that had the perfect amount of work and pleasure. Blessings

June 22~ Thursday morning beauty. Open those blinds and let the sunshine in. Coffee, and prayers, before heading into the salon. In early enough to do some housekeeping. Dorlores perm turned out beautiful. Yea! A phone call from Crystal N Koch! We get to catch up and pray together. Feet are propped up while doing laundry. Again thank youAmyJune McClure, the patch helped me today to accomplish what I needed to get done. Cooked dinner tonight! Oh my! Yes! I do still know how! And it turned out yummy too. Now feet are propped up relaxing listening to country music and looking out the window at the beautiful evening. Lord thank you for an easy work day and the blessings of friendship that withstands even distance. For my couch to stretch out and prop my feet up. For the peace of this afternoon and early evening. Thank you Lord even in a simple quiet day you meet all of my needs. Even if it's just rest and propping feet and the support and prayers of friends. Feeling humbled. Blessings

June 23~ Sleep.....ummmmm.....up to a very rocky start. Thank you AmyJune McClure, and Sherilynn Ganther for coming over this morning and helping as well as sitting with me. Loved having coffee with you ladies. Phone calls from Mary McCormick LoomisKatherine Fischer Huston, my beautiful daughter Amber Webber, my sister Rosie; thank you seems so little but filled my heart with healing and love. Group hugs and prayers sprinkles with laughter and smiles just what was needed. Rest.....lots of rest. Feet propped! Fan whirling around keeping me cool, listening to music. Decided to walk to mail box. Sun feels so good. Lord thank you for no judgment support. Calls to see how I'm doing. A roof over my head to stretch out on couch and prop my feet. For open prayer lines and open communication letting my needs be known. For the strength gained in adversity. Knowing even in disappointments that you are always with me. Thank you Lord for holding me in the darkness and in the light and never letting me go. You are my shield of protection through this journey in life. Never alone. Blessings

June 24~ Ringing phone on a Saturday morning! What's up with that? Good morning Webber Heather! Yes! Mom can do that. Heather mom needs you to get some sleep and rest. Loved hearing your voice first thing this morning. Now I'm up! Sunshine and morning coffee. Good morning text that brings smiles to my heart. Off to a great start of the weekend. Decisions to make....what direction do I drive, do I want to go West to the coast, or East to my sister's. Sister's won out. Lots of natural beauty to enjoy as I drive down the scenic highway. So blessed to life in a place that my backyard is full of magical beauty. Lunch with sister's Christine Good, Rosie, and Jennifer Merritt-Estep today at the Clock Tower. Then haircut time. Yes a hair stylist never rest. Then I went on a memory lane tour around town to share with an old friend. It was a blast to do. Went to Maurices and got a blouse for 1.87 today. Feeling very blessed. Sitting outside on the stoop enjoying the beautiful evening here in the The Dalles. Thank you Lord for today. Loved all the gifts along my path today. Encouragement, phone calls of love, texts and conversations of inspiration and laughter. Time with sister's always a blessing. Thank you for my family both blood and those we hand pick. Thank you for healing, for hope, grace, mercy, forgiveness. And new beginnings fresh and new everyday. Blessings

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