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Blog Awards

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Thankful List September 15/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Laying in bed listening to the rain
2. Opening the doors and windows to the fresh scent of falling rain and fresh air.
3. Having some great information to be able to stand my ground at the HOA meeting today.
4. Meeting David for breakfast....thank you for treating Cindy and I.
5. Yoga pants
6. Finding $25 in an old purse of mine along with three gift cards, and a movie ticket.
7. Going for a walk with Cindy and fur babies, and no rain.
8. Thank you for dinner Cindy! It was very yummy!
9. Starting a cauliflower cheese soup tonight for tomorrow. Thank you Rebecca for the cauliflower.
10. Talking to my three youngest grandchildren today. What a beautiful blessing that is.

Thank you Lord for another day filled with many blessings.
Good night and sweet dreams my friends

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