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My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday Centus~ Punxsutawney Phil

The prompt this week is this question.   What happens to PunxsutawneyPhil when he retires?
 Number of words:  100.   You do NOT have to include the words of the question in your story.

Style of writing: Any

Additional Pictures: Any 

Fact or fiction
Punxsutawney Phil
Comes out every
February 2nd
Without fail
For Groundhog day
Prediction is his game
Will I see my shadow?
Yes or No?
I am not 
A meteorologist
But ....
But many
Follow my prediction
From year to year
Will Spring come 
Or Six more weeks of Winter?
Only my shadow knows 
For sure
Seems so
I play all year round
And come out
On groundhog day
To my surprise
Many come to 
See if I have 
Seen my shadow
So to my 
May never come
Just passed on
From one generation
To another
As I pass the torch on


Do you like to know whether the Punxsutawney Phil (The groundhog) sees his shadow?

Jenny Matlock

Doctor Visit
Below is two fundraiser links to help with medical bills. 
We have no medical insurance to cover medical.
As the weeks have gone by since I have started back to work
The ankle continues to have many issues
The visit with the doctor didn't go as well as I had hoped 
On the 3st of January 2013
He has put me on another med
He wants to see how the next three months go
He said I may have arthritis setting in
Not good news at all.
It appears this may not get any better than what it is
So the work I do may not be what I will be able to do
Makes me very very sad.
As I love what I do very much
I am thinking about a second opinion 
But that isn't really the reality for me.
So we will go another three months an see what happens.
Then be re-evaluated with more ex-rays
Many prayers need \
As well as the Lord meeting the many needs we have
I have only been working about 16 hours a week
Some weeks even as little as four hours a week.
The bills are coming in as I struggle with each one 
The medical bills are the hardest ones.
They really don't like working with you.
I try to explain and 
But God is faithful!
Praise the Lord!
Some times I wonder
How the money is going to stretch
As the bills come tumbling in.
Thankful for the work!
Through much prayers 
God is sustaining us
And through encouragement of some friends they suggested I give these a try.
Though only two people have responded.
God has been faithful in other ways.
Medical bills are piling up.
Just the few that have arrived already are near $30,000 plus.
And still coming in.
God is faithful and I trust this is alp going to be paid in full;
and every need meet through Him
Thank you!


Barb said...

Haha! Cute. :)

21 Wits said...

Oh praise for your lovely response for dear old Phil and the many Phils that replace him- ha ha ha! You can be proud of yourself for your long process of recovery too- one day it will be a very distant past!

Eden House News and views said...

our God is an amazing and faithful God. He will be by our sides now and for allays . Great post

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Makes sense to me. Pass the torch, like that.