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Blog Awards

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Photo A Day~



Here in the PNW 
we have been unusually warm for this time of year.
It has been a wonderful Fall October;
 filled with many warm sunshine days.
Which I have been enjoying very much.
My plants seem to be flourishing as well,
 with late blooms coloring my patio in their rich beauty.
A very inviting bench and the warm sunshine,
with the fluttering of the colorful leafs falling from the trees.
 As they scatter about the yard and the patio in vibrant color, 
making their own beauty swirling about.
So relaxing to sit and enjoy the rich colors and beauty of the warm Fall.

Do you enjoy Fall or is another season more to your liking?


Unknown said...

beautiful, i love fall!!!

forgetmenot said...

Bethe, Your flowers look like they are doing well--very pretty. Congrats on your "Versatile Blogger Award"--you do always have a variety of interesting posts. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)