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Daily Journey

My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

September Joy Dare~

September Joy Dare

September Joy Dare
Day 1~ 3 Gifts Summer 
1) The sun shining brightly warming some of the last long days of Summer.
2) Spending time with friends and family on the last long weekend of Summer.
3) BBQ's with yummy chicken and fresh veggies.

September Joy Dare
Day 2~ 3 Gifts cut
I was laughing on this one! I think I have them all in my kitchen today.

1) Fresh cut tomatoes that Cindy Forsythe Rieder gave me from her garden. Oh they are so yummy good! Thank you so much only have two left. 

2) The fresh cucumber from Cindy's garden. Another yummy piece of veggie for my dinner this evening.
3) The cut up left over BBQ chicken that went into this wonderful fresh green salad this evening for dinner. Very yummy indeed!
Thank you Lord for the blessings from the garden and the food on my table.

September Joy Dare

Day 3~ 3 Gifts yellow
1) The yellow fire ball in the sky that was warming the afternoon as I took a stroll
2) My little yellow rollers that I use to set some of the beautiful ladies at the salon
3) The yellow in the puzzle that I was working on

August Joy Dare

Day 4~ A gift cool, warm, sun-soaked
I'm thinking these are going to be a bit tough at the moment for me. always I am up for the challenge.
A cool gift is the fan that blows lightly on me in the morning when I wake and in the evenings when I go to bed.
My warm gift is the way my friends make me feel when I need a lift of love and encouragement. They have the right words of love and just the perfect ear to listen which makes me warm and loved all over. Thank you to each one. You know who you are. I love you all so very much. 
Sun-soaked would be my beautiful buckets of plants on my patio that soak up every bit of sunshine they can. Which grows them into beautiful plants. Thank you Lord for the sunshine that shines upon them and me.

September Joy Dare

Day 5~ 3 Gifts Autumn
Feels sorta early for this one. was a perfect day to see and feel Autumn in the air.
1) The gray skies with the drizzle of rain and the wind shield wipers going back and forth as I head to work.
2) The wind that is blowing the changing leafs off the tree as they flutter down to the ground.
3) The oven is on for the first time since late June the first signs that Autumn is in the air.
What signs did you find as gifts of Autumn today?

September Joy Dare

Day 5~ 3 Gifts growing
1) My beautiful grandchildren who are growing much to fast in my book. We will be celebrating two birthdays this month. I say they can STOP!!! Love them so very much each and everyone of them with all that I am! (LOL This actual would cover all three wince I have ten growing grandchildren! But....I think that would be cheating.  )
2) My beautiful patio plants that are flourishing even with this early Fall rain. They are beautiful and full!
3) My storehouse of love, friends, health and wealth, and whatever my needs are that the Lord fills daily is growing in leaps in bounds for He loves me and I am His. So He fills my baskets to over flowing daily.

September Joy Dare

Day 7~ 3 Gifts given
1) Some good health advice and home remedies that I am going to try to kick this nasty cold or soar throat out with. The prayers and love that come with them as well.
2) Being able to go celebrate my friend Jan Flynn birthday today with her and be able to bless her with a small gift of love. And meeting new ladies that is always fun! The beautiful job Shari Whitlock did putting her little party together for her. What a wonderful gift!
3) The gift that Dottie Lucas Humpherys picked up for Mary McCormick Loomis and I today! Hoping I can pick it up from her personally before she leaves to go back home to Nebraska. Thank you!

September Joy Dare

Day 8~ A gift made, masked, marveled
Today these seem so over whelming to me as I look at them not feeling well. So as try and find the gifts in each one of these please know that each day is a gift no matter what it holds.
My gift made would me the home remedies that I have been taking as I try and feel better. Some I enjoy and aren't bad tasting yet others not so much liking. But still fighting this illness knowing that God has already healed me. 
My masked gift would the friend that I miss and seems so far to me to reach. The masked friendship that I pray would turn back in the direction that it needs to go. Thank you Lord for this friendship and the love it offers me even when it is masked over with live and things that seem to be in the way of what you want it to be. 
I marvel at the beauty of each day even when I am not able to lift my head off the pillow. The gift of love and friendship that travels the miles with prayers love and encouragement beyond what I can imagine. Thank you for the friendships that marvel me each day with their beauty and gifts of life that they share with me daily.

September Joy Dare

Day 9` 3 Gifts framed
1) My eyes that are framed with my eye glasses so I might be able to read and see much better. Truly a gift....without them I wouldn't be able to see much.
2) The framed photos of family and loved ones throughout the house. Reminders of the joy and love they all bring me each day.
3) The frame around the window I look out as I lay here wishing I was enjoying the beautiful sunshine instead of laying her resting and praying I feel better tomorrow. Grateful for the framed window I look out to enjoy the beauty. Thank you Lord!!!

September Joy Dare

Day 10~ 3 Gifts moving
1) Me moving and heading to work today was a gift. Feeling much better though the day was short. I was able to rest so by Thursday I will be feeling myself again I pray.
2) The are being circulated in the room by the fan. 
3) The time that is moving more quickly than I would like it too. But am grateful for every minute and everyone who I am blessed to have in my life. Treasuring the moments at the time moves on.

September Joy Dare

Day 11~
3 Hard eucharisteo

1) Being in Oregon and not being able to celebrate birthdays with my grandchildren as they live in another. I miss them so!!! But....I know that God holds them and loves them more than I do. Thankful to have each one.......such a beautiful gift from heaven. Treasures that my heart swells with so much love for. Thank you Lord for each one!!! 

2) Excepting and knowing relationships change for a reason and each season brings new gifts in them. Not always easy to except when they aren't the way they once were and you miss the way they were. Love all my friends and treasure you all so much...You have helped me grow and learn. The journey wouldn't be the same without. Thank you each and everyone.

3) Stretching one self in ways that help me grow in faith and trust that the Lord has all in His hands even when I don't understand.

September Joy Dare

Day 12~ 3 Gifts in His word
1) Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4)
2) I am delivered from this present evil world (Gal. 1:4)
3) He who began a good work in me will continue it until the day of Christ (Phil. 1:6)

September Joy Dare
Day 13~ A gifted scented, scrawled, started
Hmmmmm......... these may be interesting as I look through my day of blessings.
My scented gift could be numerous things. As I think of the many scents of the day. I think I will be my perfume and the perm I did on Edna as my scents of the day. One good smell and one not so good....but is a blessing to her and me as I make my living. Thank you Lord.
Scrawled would be the notes I write and find from others scrawled on scrapes of paper. One today would be an address I needed to bill out a client I thought I had lost it and then found it. Yea!!!
Started would be my home work that I need to finish for my Rut Busters course I'm taking. Need to get busy on that one.

September Joy Dare

Day 14~ 3 Gifts drawn
Word definition is tried here...........but I think we can do better and as a gift much better.
1) I was drawn out and feeling all alone when the world woke me with a beautiful smile in the morning light beaming through my window.
2) I was feeling drawn and then a little burst of energy entered in with lots of fun that brought my joy and with a fun filled day. 
3) When I'm feeling drawn I can always go to my Father in heaven and know He will give me all the rest I need when I let go and let Him.

September Joy Dare

Day 15~ 3 Gifts paired
1) The pairing of man and his favorite football teams. Hubby's favorite time of year. Not sure if it is a gift does make him happy! Gives me a reason to think how silly he is. But...I have a sister that is nuts over football. is a family affair!
2) The pairing of great skin care products that help keep my skin looking great!! This is a huge gift in my opinion.
3) Pairing a great pair of pants with the perfect top for the perfect look!

September Joy Dare

Day 16~ 3 Gifts shared
1) A morning cup of coffee
2) Fresh garden veggies given to me that I cooked up tonight for dinner! Yummy fresh green beans. Thank you Katherine Huston Fischer!
3) Dreams, visions, and goals.............With some amazing women tonight at our Mary Kay meeting! Thank you to each one of you for sharing yours as well.

September Joy Dare

Day 17~ 3 Gifts ugly-beautiful
1) Having to go to work only to do one client and then turn around and come home. It was a blessing for the sweet Zorne. But....for me it was bitter sweet.
2) The day started out with grey ugly skies turned to afternoon blues into the most amazing beauty in the evening.
3) The way my emotions are up and down lately.....from ugly to beautiful to I don't like to I love. That is a true ugly-beautiful gift that is hard to run with. Learning to give them all balance in my life.

September Joy Dare

Day 18~ A gift fixed, folded, freckled
Tough ones for me today. I'm thinking I have had some tough Joy Dare's lately. Oh okay...lets see.......
The fixed gift I think will be that little Daniel had his teeth fixed today in town and I got to enjoy him and his mommy today after he saw the Dentist. A lovely unexpected gift through little one needing his teeth fixed.

Folded would be folding the ingredients into making the homemade salsa this evening along with folding or I should say mixing the ingredients for our homemade creamer as well. Both very yummy!

Freckled................??? Not so easy............. All I can think of is a freckled face laughing child...I cannot even say I know one right off hand. But just the thought makes me smile. So.....I'm thinking this could count thinking about that. What do you think??

September Joy Dare

Day 19~ 3 Gifts in conversation
1) Do I have time to do a man's haircut and shave? Why yes I do! What a blessing to be able to shave his head and clean up his facial hair for him. May the Lord continue to heal and touch him as he heals from a stroke. What a blessing to be able to help him feel better about his appearance.
2) My friend Rose sharing her bible study on revelations with me this morning. Telling me what she is learning and how much more it is. Love talking about the word of God!
3) Thank you for cutting my hair it looks nice! I appreciate it Beth! Love getting the hair off my neck. What my hubby said to me after I trimmed his hair tonight.

September Joy Dare

Day 20~ 3 Gifts in salvation
1) The forgiveness of sin
2) Peace that is unspeakable
3) The joy that comes from knowing the Father in heaven!
What are your three...?

September Joy Dare

Day 21! 3 Gifts in information
WOW! There is so much information out there and not sure what I gathered today as a gift in information. I'm sure there was plenty though.
1) Working on my Rut Busters program and learned being focused and positive and finding the match in the day with an open mind really does work.
2) Knowing what the weather is going to be was an important factor today in information; even with the rain the pool party was still fun and a success. Glad I went even if it did rain. It was a nice event and break in the day. A wonderful blessing
3) We get endless information all day long filtering through our mind and some is important to know while others is just trivial useless information we learn on our journey in life. What we do and how we filter and file is what shapes us and makes us who we are.

September Joy Dare

Day 22~ A gift rattling, receding, reclaiming
The rattling of Hancho's cage in the morning when she wants me to open her door and take her blanket off. But....really she likes to rattle around in her cage with her toys all day long. It makes me feel good to know she is there. What a wonderful watch bird.
My waist line is receding that is very exciting! Loving this has been a while since I have seen it recede and I'm loving it.
I'm reclaiming lost dreams and lost hopes and desires. Love finding them and reclaiming them into my life. Seeing where they will take me.

September Joy Dare

Day 23~ 3 Gifts Quit
1) The the quiet in the morning when I first wake up to the silence in the house as I patter to the kitchen to start the coffee pot for the day of activities.
2) The quiet of the drive as I take in all my thoughts today going to my different destinations throughout the day.
3) The quiet of the moment at the end of my day as I thank the Lord for all the beauty and gifts He has blessed me with today.

September Joy Dare

Day 24~ 3 Gifts funny
1) Mr. Montis today when I went to get him for his haircut! He asked who was cutting his hair and I said i would be Beth! Then he asked what happened to other gal and I let him know she had retired! Have you got my hair before? I think so Mr. Montis. No I don't want you to cut my hair I will go somewhere else. Okay Mr. Montis. Walking down the hall Mr. Montis says your who I want to cut my hair. So I cut Mr. Montis hair. Very happy he was indeed!
2) My oldest daughter this morning on the phone with me. Mom why aren't you on the plane? I am headed to work! Well I need you here my 11 am. That is less than two hours away. Okay!!! I am going to Hawaii and you need to be here to take care of the kids. Right Heather! I didn't get that memo! Love my children! love to be there and take care of the kiddos....she is to funny for me. I would love a trip to Hawaii myself! Thank you Lord!
3) Every time I went out today to go for a walk it would start raining. Pretty funny! So...I walked in the rain! Thank you Lord for blessings in the rain.

September Joy Dare

Day 25~ 3 Gifts finished
1) Today is almost finished and seeing the beauty of how God orchestrated the entire day was amazing. Love it!
2) My dinner is finished and ready to serve. Thank you Lord for the provisions that blessed this meal.
3) The blessing of meeting new people today and being hired to work for them. It is an exciting new adventure that closes the door and finishes up in new adventures. Thank you Lord for using those around me to help bless me this day.

September Joy Dare

Day 26~ 3 Gifts Flourishing
1) My beautiful plants even in the cooler weather on on patio are flourishing beautifully! So glad I decided to do some planters this year. 

2) My love for my family and loved ones continues to grow and flourish daily. Thank you Lord for each one.
3) My business is flourishing as I continue to step out in belief and faith that God is bringing in all I need from the north, south, east, and west. Opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings beyond my wildest dreams.

September joy Dare

Day 27~ A gift unexpected, uneven, unpopular
Some toughies ....... But surely workable.
Unexpected gift sitting this afternoon in the still quiet of my living room. Then taking and watching my program before anyone arrived or came home today. Was a lovely three hours. Very unexpected considering I thought I would be doing something else.
Uneven gift is the grounds in my apartment complex that I wonder and walk around all the time. I'm so thankful to be able to work around and enjoy the outdoors.
Unpopular gift would be the bills that come in at the end and first of the month. They represent so many things. The home I live in the food the items I enjoy in my home. Numerous things I am grateful for. But... very much a very unpopular gift when the bills roll in. Thank you Lord for the provision of meeting each one of those bills above and beyond the need.

September Joy Dare

Day 28~ 3 Gifts shy
1) Shy of having enough albums to put all of my DVD's in. More on there way so I can complete my project. A gift because it will clear and clean up and de-clutter
2) The clouds, rain, and wind were not shy in their turbulence of the storm and the effects it was having in its path. A gift because there is beauty in the sky and the storm before during and after hand painted beautifully for us to enjoy if we choose.
3) No one was shy in eating up the wonderful Zucchini casserole that I made for dinner. It was wonderful!

September Joy Dare

Day 29~ 3 Gifts shelved
1) One gift shelved was my cleaning my garage. It is a gift not being out there in the wet wind and cold cleaning it. And a gift to be in where I stay warm and dry. Knowing I will be out there soon doing the work that needs to be done. A gift definitely shelved for the time being.
2) Having a free for all dinner tonight was shelved for homemade chicken rice soup instead. 
3) The organization of my Summer and Winter clothes are getting re-shelved for the season closing and the one upon us.

September Joy Dare

Day 30~ Gifts shining
1) Smiles that brighten my day from friends and stranger's as I go through my day.
2) The rain puddles that shine when the light breaks upon them and they glisten in the light bringing a mirrored reflection.
3) The shine of the lights that lead me to my door as I arrive home from my evening out at my Mary Kay meeting.

What are your September Joy Dares?

A Holy Experience

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