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Monday, September 15, 2014

When Will It End?

View from Beacon Rock, Washington

Bent on knees
Tear streak face
Calling out
Lord Lord .. 
When will it end?

This pain within
The attacks from all around
When will it end?

When will it end?
The pain so deep
The voices
The hatred
When will it end?
The sabotage 
The loathing
When will it end?
The attacks 
That come like knifes
The bullets
That shoot straight for the heart
When will it end?

Bent on knee
Tear streak face
Calling out
When will it end?

This pain within
The attacks from all around
When will it end?

Reach up
I'm right here
Let go!
It isn't yours to carry
This pain
It will end!
Reach up 
My child 
Reach up
I'm right here

Just let it go
Give the tears to me
The pain
The loss
The hatred
The loathing
And sabotage
All that hurts
All that is broken
Just let it go
Give it to me
Its not yours to bare

The attacks 
That come like knifes
The bullets
That shoot straight for the heart
Are not meant for you
Release this pain
Give it over to me
I can bare this for you
The attacks and pain

Reach up
I'm right here
Let go!
This pain
It will end!
Reach up 
My child 
Reach up
I'm right here
Reach up
Now let go!

Rest in me
Know this will end
This pain
You are not alone
It will end
It is not yours to bare

Let go!
Rest in me...
This pain 
It will end!

Rest in me!
I have this my child 
I have this all!
I bore this for you
Rest in me!


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