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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Three Word Wednesday

Crucial, adjective: Pivotal, critical, key, climacteric, decisive, deciding; life-and-death; all-important, of the utmost importance, of the essence, critical, preeminent, paramount, essential, vital.

Malignant, adjective: Virulent, very infectious, invasive, uncontrollable, dangerous, deadly, fatal, incurable, life-threatening; cancerous; technical metastatic; spiteful, malicious, malevolent, evil-intentioned, vindictive, vengeful, malign, mean, nasty, hurtful, mischievous, wounding, cruel, unkind; informal bitchy, catty; literary malefic, maleficent.

Yearning, noun: Longing, craving, desire, want, wish, hankering, urge, hunger, thirst, appetite, lust, ache.

This yearning was malignat
Thoughts that were cruicial
Changing the person inside



Helen A. Howell said...

Yes thoughts can change the person inside along with yearning after those things unattainable.

Cifar said...

powerful composition

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