Ideal knight
Bold, gallant, courtesy, valour, dexterity, courage, honor, justice, readiness to help the weak
courtesy behavior towards women
The medieval system principles of knighthood
Knights, nobleman, etc, collectively
Its not just a word!
Its not just a word!
It is a live and well TODAY!
It isn't DEAD!

Can you believe it?
So your asking yourselves WHAT?
You mean its not dead?
What are you talking about?
Surely your mistaken!
How could this be when no man moves unless prodded with the fire poker!
You ask?
I tell you today was an amazing day, where Chivalry truly isn't dead!
All this fussing and moving and the crisis at hand and I was truly blessed!
You did hear that right!
Two gals!
Myself and my dear sweet adopted daughter (Kathrine) were struggling away to move my double car garage into a 10 by 10 storage unit today.
Still not complete.
We were wondering how all this was going to happen and take place.
Lord knows we were screaming and hurting in places I know didn't exist or could not possible hurt so much.
But did!
We took three loads to Salvation Army where we experienced our first two gentlemen.
Where they were truly eager to hep us move our belongings.

We must have been quite a site to see.
One young gal and one older woman trying to struggle with these awkward furniture and other donation's.
Two crazy gals struggling to make this like as easy as possible.
One young man runs up and offers please can we help you with that "Ma'am".
Now its official I'm old to boot!
So he came over with his friend and grabbed our heavy furniture that was left in the van to take inside to the donation center.
Then the gentleman inside the Donation center was so excited and kind to us as well.
Your thinking whats that about?
That's what I was thinking!
But it gets better.
On trip five to the store room we realize we are in TROUBLE!
Big trouble!
The store room isn't going to work that I first chose which was a 71/2 by 10.
So then we went to talk to the rental agents in the office at Public Storage.
Very very nice young ladies.
She immediately went and got her keys to take me to a larger unit.
She got the dolly out and brought it to me as well.
Then went in and did all the new paper work while I moved from that unit to the new chosen one.
This is the next experience with chivalry.
I was moving all those containers, chairs and tables over to the new unit.
There was this gentle giant in his van ready to pull out.
As I was moving my last load over to the new unit when all the chairs and table started shifting and falling off the dolly. He pulled his van over turned it off got out and ran over to help me.
At this point I couldn't believe it. I thought he was only going to help me reload and be on his merry way.
He carries my table over to my new unit for me and ask if that is all?
I said thank you in amazement and gratitude.
This was a wonderful example of Chivalry.
But that's not all folks!
When we get home from this trip we pull up and are exhausted!
Then the neighbor come over and offers his truck to us.
Oh my Gosh!
We would still be loading boxes if it wasn't for his truck.
He is disabled and isn't able to lift or move anything.
But just the use of him driving and letting us fill his truck twice today was like moving 6 loads in the other vehicle.
Oh my Gosh!
More Chivalry the way I see it.
Then tomorrow he has offered once again.
Which will help tremendously.
He as well brought his oldest son on the last load to help us move the boxes around and help unload as we were getting weak ed kneed.
This was load nine for us.
I'm tired I don't about you but I am!
As I have more help coming tomorrow as well.
Praise the Lord!
Should kick it all out by late afternoon.
How you feeling a bit tired?
Not yet?
Well I am!
So we will rest until tomorrow.
So as you see I experienced a day of Chivalry!
Isn't it nice to know that I didn't need to to find a prod and poke them with it.
It came naturally and so unexpectedly.
A true gift from heaven above.
Tomorrow will bring new stories and experiences.
We'll see if we can find some more Chivalry.
Then we will know that isn't dead!
That will be wonderful.
Hope you enjoyed the kicks and giggles with humor and delight.
As I enjoyed writing this story of blessing on chivalry, as it brought me many smiles and lots of great laughter.
Have you had to use a prod and poker lately?