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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Thankful List October 13/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Morning prayers
2. My cute boots
3. Cute sweater to wear with my jeans.
4. Fun conversation with a new friend
5. Thank you David for brunch
6. Meeting up with Cindy and running errands with her
7. Walking the fur babies with Cindy
8. Seeing some wildlife on walk today, snake, squirrels, frogs, birds.
9. Getting some wings from Albertsons and the sweet young boy and his dad who made my evening. Thank you little blue eyes for your conversation, smile and hug.
10. Laughter from deep within my soul

Thank you Lord for another day of smiles, beauty and laughter. For meeting all of my provisions today spoken and unspoken.
Good night my family and friends you light the stars with your smiles. Sweet dreams!

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