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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thankful List October 8/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Awaken by the soft sounds of rain hitting my roof top. Grateful for another day.
2. The morning views and rich colors of the Fall season.
3. Meeting my Bill's monthly even when I wonder how? Thank you Lord!
4. Getting my car insurance lowered. So extremely grateful. Thank you Luke.
5. Talking and praying with Crystal this morning. I miss and love you so much. Blessings to you my friend.
6. Getting a bit of discount on groceries with coupons. A nice savings so grateful for.
7. Watching the birds flutter around on my back patio. So enjoy watching them and listening to their chirping songs.
8. Thank you Cindy for hosting dinner tonight for the Blazers game.
9. Friends with unconditional love
10. My beautiful home I live in

Thank you Lord for another day filled with your love, provisions daily spoken and unspoken.
Good night my family and friends you are the icing on the cake that makes everything complete. Sweet dreams until the morning light. Sweet dreams!

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