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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thankful List December 26/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. The use of a weighted blanket my sister received for Christmas. Awesome! Thank you for letting me try it.
2. Waking at my sister's house
3. Morning coffee
4. Getting out and running errands before 9:30 this morning and back at sister's house before noon.
5. Having my granddaughter drive for me today. Made her day.
6. Spending the day doing absolutely nothing with my granddaughter Sam.
7. The quiet
8. Watching movies on Netflix
9. Dinner with the family
10. Talking and praying with Crystal this afternoon.
11. The love of my family and friends
12. Loving my new eyeshadow I got for Christmas. Thank you Cindy.

Thank you Lord for this beautiful day of rest and peaceful quiet with my granddaughter. Thank you Lord for always meeting all of my various needs abundantly spoken and unspoken;known and unknown daily.
Good night my family and friends. Sweet dreams until tomorrow's morning light.

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