Day 18~ Happiness is getting up and making my morning phone calls and setting up appointments. Happiness is calling my dad and wishing him a very happy birthday! Callings and wishing my girlfriend Sally Mazza a very happy birthday as well. Lots of people of love to celebrate. Nothing better than the day the Lord blessed us with them. Happiness is getting through tons of paper work and through even more out plus shredding. That always feels so very good. Nice way to start a week as well. Happiness is getting many little projects out of the way so I wont be so over whelmed as the week moves on. Happiness is breaks of sunshine throughout the day.
Day 19~ Happiness is getting up and getting my day started. Getting some errands out of the way. Happiness is dropping off information at the new beauty shop where I will be doing hair in a nursing home starting in April! So excited! Thank you Shari Whitlock for referring me. Happiness is knowing my granddaughter is getting better everyday. Happiness is getting the dinner in the oven. Happiness is window shopping and never pulling out my wallet and resisting the temptation to purchase some Spring clothing. Happiness is finding some beauty in the court yard today when taking my walk. Happiness is seeing the small signs of Spring all over. Happiness is Thanking the Lord for every gift small and great!
Day 20~ Happiness is getting more information on up coming business adventure and preparing for it so I will have everything in place. Happiness is morning coffee served to me just the way I like in my PJ's. Happiness is getting my Mary Kay orders together for deliver and mailing. Love my Mary Kay business can work right from home and wake to orders in the morning. What can be better! Happiness is visiting with Mary McCormick Loomis via the internet this morning. Great way to start the day. Happiness is watching the down fall of the first spring rain this morning on the first day of Spring. Happiness is not having to cook today. Happiness is the little things that make a difference each day in my life.
Day 21~ Happiness is celebrating the birth of my oldest grandson today! Happiness is celebrating the day the Lord blessed me with my friend Rosalie Reinhold! Happy birthday to both Rosalie and my grandson Anthony DeSouza! Happiness is the strength the Lord gives me everyday and extra on those days I really need it. Happiness is going out to dinner. Happiness is knowing that peaceful feeling that goes deep within. Happiness is being confident in my decision and knowing it is the right one for me. Happiness is watch the Castle from Monday night on DVR. Happiness is having DVR. Happiness is making it through yet another day. Thank you Lord!
Day 22~ Happiness is it is Friday an
d the weekend is upon us. Happiness is getting my work done by early afternoon. Happiness is getting my banking and shopping done early today. Happiness is finding some cute clothes on the rack at a good bargain. Happiness is Katherine Huston Fischercoming to spend a few days with us. Happiness is a good dinner with a group effort. Happiness is the sunshine that kept breaking through the clouds today. Happiness is my cozy sweats.
Day 23~ Happiness is quiet days lone resting and thinking. Happiness is styling my new hair cut. Happiness is Finding golden oak stain and fixing my coffee table. Happiness is a light lunch with a glass of water. Happiness is the back brace hubby brought home for me. Happiness is Another day to seek the Lord and His will. Happiness is the breaks of sunshine in the afternoon as I walk to Bi-Mart.
Day 24~ Happiness is going out and having coffee with Katherine Huston Fischer at Happy Espresso today to see Kenney Ge. Happiness is the scenic route enjoying the country beauty all around that God has blessed us
with. Happiness is the free gift of forgiveness. Happiness is chocolate marshmallow candy. Happiness is smiles and laughter. Happiness is a evening drive.
18~ 3 Gifts red
1) The red vase that holds my flowers
2) The red numbers on my digital clock that tells me what time it is.
3) The red tins on my table that need to be returned to my mom so she can refill them with her yummy homemade cookies.
What are your three red gifts today?
19~ 3 Gifts eaten
I started laughing when I saw what today's was. I love to eat.
1) I could cover all three in one. Today I had three different types of tacos from taco bell. The tree different tacos I had were supreme taco, regular taco, and a dorito taco. But what was really cool is that I brought them home to eat and added homemade salsa to them. Made them really yummy! I'm normally not a taco bell fan. But...this was a great meal.
2) The thin mint girl scout cookies. One of my favorite's!
3) My chicken baked dinner with carrots and potatoes.
What yummy's did you eat today that you enjoyed?
20~ 3 Gifts that made you laugh
1) Some of the humorous post I find on Face Book that bring laughter and joy. Thank you to those who post them and to those you create them.
2) When my girlfriend Rose in California told me the story about trimming up the neighbors dog and how funny it was as they put her on the table
3) Watching an old classic comedy on TV
21~ A gift salty, sweet, and just right
My salty gift would be the Pork Rinds my hubby brought home this evening and we snacked on.
Sweet would be the chocolate cake I ate today at lunch in the celebration of Ned who turned 100 today! So many birthdays today! Happy Birthday Ned!
Just right would be the tea I had with my dinner this evening. So relaxing and comforting. Just perfect!
22~ 3 Gifts found in His word
1) John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only son
2) Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear for I am with you
3) Psalm 62:5 Yes my soul finds rest in God My hope comes from Him
23~ 3 Gifts found in woman today
This one you would think I could do real easy. Not so much. I think of many things and many friends that are amazing....But......this one is very hard!
1) Well educated and able to work next to men in most any field of work
2) Amazing friends that stand beside you and help you through the good and the bad
3) Moms that home school and can teach us all something wonderful
What would be your three things about women today?
24~ 3 Gifts spoken
1) Be careful call me when you get home
2) If you are there and you find something you like you should just buy it then
3) I'll call when I arrive
What are your three spoken words?
Is there snow where you live?
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Ankle March 5, 2013 |