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Monday, October 7, 2019

Thankful List September 26/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Morning coffee
2. My new mirror to put my makeup on with. Thank you Tanina.
3. A great copilot today as I drove around town. Thank you Tanina.
4. Bringing smiles of beauty to those who would not be able to get there hair done otherwise.
5. Being able to bring a smile and a bit of laughter to those who otherwise wouldn't have that smile or laughter without someone coming onto the care facility.
6. Friends that truly see you and except you for you.
7. Keys to my car, home, and so much more
8. Meeting Cindy for Happy Hour. Thank you,!
9. Sitting next to the firepit watching the evening sky full of cotton candy.
10. The Lord's love for me

Thank you Lord for another day filled with family and friends and provisions meet.
Good night family and friends

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