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Sunday, October 7, 2018

October Blessings ~ Counting It All Joy! (Week One)


Change of season
Brings breezes
Of cooler weather
Fall colors
Burning in radiant rays
Of ruby reds
And golden hues
Of rich beauty
Dancing Leaves
Fluttering through 
The blue grey skies
Showing us how to play
As we wrap up
In sweaters
As children run
For costumes
Of joyous fun and laughter
October dances 
Happily as a child free at play
Don't lose that 
That gives way to play
It only comes
In October


October 1~ Good morning! Can you believe we already have arrived into October? Seems it was yesterday we were opening the month of September. The days and months are slipping by so quickly. As this new day, week, and month start I look forward to the many treasured gifts and adventures that await me. So as I open this fresh day and month up I am awaken to my sister Christine's call that brings me smiles. The first of many blessings and surprises to be thankful for. 
1. My housecoat to take the chill off. 
2. A morning snap that brightens my morning. 
3. A phone call of smiles and laughter to start my day. 
4. United States Post Office 
5. The nice ladies who helped me at the USPO via the phone. 
6. A chapter being closed and a new one opened. 
7. Peter at Best Buy this youngman went above and beyond 100%. Thank you to the rest of the staff that assisted me as well. Was excellent service today. 
8. My new bluetooth 
9. The fresh green beans for dinner. Very good! Thank you Cindy. 
10. Answered prayers 
These are just a few of the amazing gifts and blessings I enjoyed today. Thank you Lord for always meeting all of my many various needs abundantly. Thank you for opening this month with the old doors closing and new ones opening. Blessings

October 2~ Good morning! It is a bit more chilly in the morning. The Fall air is here to stay. Besides being darker in the morning this two things only make me want to crawl deep under my covers and hibernate until Spring springs upon us. But......that will not be. So I will arise and try to function like I should. I know the day awaits and with it many blessings to be thankful for. One I'm awake and more than able to enjoy this day. 
1.Morning conversation that seems to be what brings smile every morning my way with some laughter. 
2. Morning coffee with David. Thank you for dropping by and bring over a new weed eater. 
3. Watching Gunsmoke and Andy Griffin. Love this old programs. So wholesome. 
4. The beautiful sunshine on this gorgeous Fall day! 
5. Trip to Costco and getting my glasses fixed and glass cleaner. 
6. Finding some great cereal bowls. 
7. My walk around Salish Ponds. 
8. The beautiful Fall colors 
9. Dancing leaves showing off their rich beauty. 
10. The breeze in the early Fall afternoon. 
11, Seeing Rebecca, it was great to catch up and meet your friends. 
12. Laughter and fun helping out creating some fun outfits. 
Thank you! 
Yes today was another day filled with many surprises and smiles. Thank you Lord for another day to write more in my story and for all the provisions provide. I left this morning with a smile and come home all the richer with the love that was filled in my day. I truly am blessed! Thank you! Blessings

October 3~ Ugh! Just fall asleep 10 minutes before I have to rock this day. Not sure why I couldn't sleep. GOOD MORNING! I am going to rock this day as if I had 12 hours sleep. It's going to be an epic day of smiles and beauty. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! Let's get this day shaking. Because I know there is going to be buckets of blessings to be thankful for. 
1. My coffee and power drink. 
2. Angels watching over me as I drove to Oregon City today. Sun was so brilliant and bright that it actually blinded me and I couldn't see at all. 
3. Safely arriving to create smiles of beauty for Dolores. 
4. The beautiful Fall sunshine 
5. Drive to Silverton, Oregon on the country roads. Gorgeous day for an outdoor adventure. 
6. Wrong turn that turns into serendipity. 
7. Adventure at Coolidge & McClaine Park. So much to take in. 
8. Thankful for my Damsel protection on one path today. I got a bit startled. I felt safe because I had these items of protection. Thank you Judi Smith Voll
9. The brilliant Fall colors 
10. The mirror glass brilliance of the Silverton River as the sun beamed her radiance upon the days adventures. 
11. All the friendly hello's wrapped in smiles and casual conversation. 
12. The Towne House for lunch. Like stepping back in time. Only customer missed the lunch crowd. Great patty melt. 
13. A stroll through a few of the city streets in Silverton. 
14. Finding a covered bridge and learning some of the history of this quaint little town. 
15. A wrong turn that turns into a epic adventure. 
16. A beautiful through Colton and Estacada on the back roads to home. 
Thank you Lord for sustaining me on this day and guiding my steps into an unexpected amazing adventure. Thank you for this day and the many many blessings that lined my day each step I took. Feeling so peaceful and happy. Thank you! Blessings

October 4~ Good morning! I slept last night! Yeah! I even slept until 8 a.m. Guess not sleeping for a few days pays. I actually sleep. It is going to be a day errands. Time for coffee and prayers. I know there is wonderful things awaiting me today.
1. So enjoyed talking with Rose this morning. So happy to hear Nelia is doing much better and so are you.
2. Love my sweaters on these cool Fall days.
3. Glad I am able to layer and take off clothes as needed.
4. The beautiful sunshine on this Fall day.
5. Seeing Edie Ricker Cowell and Murphy. It was great seeing you and just sitting and talking. I miss you. My love wrapped in prayers. Next time tea.
6. Getting some banking done.
7. Walking around Gresham Station.
8. Good advice, wisdom and insight.
9. Meeting up with Cindy for a walk around her neighborhood with the fur babies.
10. Watching the Blue Heron flying about on Mud Lake. So cool!
11. Cindy helping me find a pair of shoes.
12. The biggest blessing of the day is the gift of my granddaughter who brightens my world! Happy 17th birthday Summer Harris. I love you!
Thank you! A very peaceful day. Though I didn't get everything done I had planned it was a perfect day. Thank you Lord for another opportunity to enjoy the dance of life and the music of this day. Simple and complete with friends, smiles, love, hugs, beauty and so much more. Blessings

October 5~ Good morning! Friday and it's raining. I think a lazy day is what I'm looking forward to. Maybe just kickback and do nothing. We will see what this day holds.
1. My morning call that brings me smiles. I have missed them the last few mornings.
2. Rolling over and just snuggling under my blankets.
3. My electric fireplace. Had to turn heat on for the first time this this Fall.
4. Being able to add blankets to my bed. The pile begins. Right now at two.
5. Playing on Zedge. I so like that app.
6. Kirby to like those. Couch cleaned and the cream carpet cleaned along with a few other things.
7. A young man thinking I was in my mid 30's. Wowoozer! Thank you God for good genes and my Mary Kay.
8. Listening to the rain play it's musical notes on my roof.
9. My cute boots
10. Rolaids
11. My great purchase on my new dishwasher.
Thank you Lord for these simple unexpected surprises that brought me wonderful blessings that made my day. Blessings

October 6~ Good morning! The weekend has arrived! I have some thoughts of things I would like to do. One be lazy.....but that isn't productive. First coffee then we will see where this day goes. Im sure I will have a list of thankfuls to fill pages, but will pick my highlights. 
1. Cindy texting and inviting me to come along for a walk with her and the four legged fur babies. 
2. Morning coffee as I get ready to go for my walk. 
3. Walking around Cindy's neighborhood and discovering more trails; as we walk the dogs. 
4. The delivery of my new dishwasher. I'm so excited! I can hardly wait for it to be put in. 
5. More coffee with David. Thank you for coming and delivering my dishwasher.
 6. Finding two new Christmas ornaments for my tree which have personal meaning for me. 
7. Thank you Cindy for telling me about the grocery sells at Fred Meyer; got plenty of food today under 80. That never happens! That is a happy shopper! 
8. Another walk this evening through the neighborhood. 
9. Success 10,000 steps plus accomplished! 
10. Hot shower and comfy clothes to relax in. 
Oh Lord! I had other thoughts for the day and you had better ones. What a wonderful day this turned out to be. Thank you for the beautiful Fall day full of friendship, love, color, fresh air, and so much more. My list could go on and on. And to think I don't even mention the things we take for granted daily. Like waking up to this new day; breathing, the fresh air, our legs and feet just to mention a few things we take for granted everyday. Thank you! Blessings

October 7~ Good morning Sunday! Seems this weekend has slipped away once again. Seems I was just getting into the flow of just enjoying time with friends and relaxing. But as all good things must come to an end until the next episode of " Slip Sliding Away Weekends"; Starring your favorites Saturday and Sunday! I know there is plenty to fill this day until the next episode launches on Friday evening. 
1. Morning coffee as I get ready for a breakfast date. 
2. Morning text with NFL picks. Seems this week is a coin toss and its anyones bet. Having fun with this little game. 
3. Chatting with Cindy today always brings smiles. Can hardly wait until the next four legged doggie adventure with her. Sadly had to decline invite. But there are more walks awaiting. 
4. The raindrops of sunshine that fall and creating mirror beauty. Love those puddles of glass. 
5. Watching a little NFL at breakfast. Thank you David! 
6.Laughter shared with friends. 
7. My electric fireplace. 
8.My grey boots 
9.Not having to answer my door if I don't want too. 
10. My electric toothbrush and water pik. Makes my mouth feel so much fresher. 
11. Adorable photos of my great niece on FB. Thank you Lenita Campbell and Carl Campbell Jr. for sharing them with us. Love them so thankful for this great tool to share on. 
12. The very still quiet of my home. 
Thank you Lord for these and so much more that you continually bless me with everyday. I have so much to be so very thankful for. Blessings

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