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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November Gratitude Day 20


Today I'm grateful for my hands. 
It is hard to imagine what life would be like without them. 
To touch and feel to live. Hands represent so much life. 
From the small baby hand reaching out to the mothers heart and hand. 
To the lessons of learning about life. 
To the woman holding her child. 
In old age holding the hands of those she loves. 
Then reaching to the heavens as her days grow shorter in time. 
Telling the stories of her life. 
I use them for everything I do in life everyday. 
The work of my hands that have provided my livelihood. 
To care of myself and those I love.. 
But the most important thing they have been used for is to love those around me. 
My most precious has been to hold my babies and guide them in love with these hands. 
Then with age holding and sharing my life with others that have been added throughout the years. 
My hands! 
The touch and feelings of life that flow through these hands.

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