New Back ground

Daily Journey

My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

Blog Awards

Monday, January 31, 2011

Set Your Clocks

This came across my email this afternoon from a friend. and I just loved it so much I had to share it. A minute out of ones day is nothing; compared to what it can do for many. If it can change the way things are going it is so worth it. We have a whole world that is in need of His touch and love. So a little pray going up to Our Father in heaven could change a whole host of things. If you feel so inclined please feel free to share this little post. Paste and copy. I did! You never know who's life it could change it may very well be yours. Blessings!

Prayer changes things.. So take a minute to do this every night and see the changes it could make..
Set your clocks

It has been said that if Christians and Jews really understood the full extent of the power available through prayer, we might be speechless.

Did you know that during WWII there was an adviser to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, for its people and for peace?

There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America .

If you would like to participate: Every evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time
(8:00 PM Central) (7:00 PM Mountain) (6:00 PM Pacific), stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for a return to a Godly nation.
If you know others who would like to participate, please pass this along. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.

Please forward this to your praying friends.

You don't have to sign on, or sign up - just pray, and ask your friends to join you in prayer.

Thank you... let's bring meaning back to
"God Bless America."
Do you ever re post and share things that touch you on your blog that you have received?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Something I've Out Grown and Why?

Okay! This week is going to be interesting and filled with strange things that I will be linking too as I grow in my blog endeavor here. To learn to write and just have fun on here with The Lady Bloggers Society.
These are the questions they presented us with today.
So here goes!
Something You've out grown?
Why do you think it happened?
I have out grown macaroni and cheese along with hot dogs. Mac & Cheese Hot Dog Skillet recipe
Not that I don't like them, I think my taste buds have grown from that stage of life.
I was craving them one night or so I thought. So I made this huge pot of macaroni and cheese and chopped up some hot dogs to go along with the macaroni cheese.
Bad! Very Bad mistake!
I was sadly disappointed by them as was my husband. I had heard that when you get older that our taste buds change. That there are just some things that sound good... but don't taste like when you where a kid. This was one of those times.
Oh yea! The whole pot was thrown away. Neither of us could stand them. Turned out it was good night to go out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. One way to get taken out to dinner by hubby. Not suggesting anyone trys this as it could back fire. It just so happens he thought it might be good as well. Not! On both of our counts.  So off we went and had a wonderful meal.
So as you can imagine we no longer have mac and cheese or hot dogs around. Though we do like BBQ ed hot dogs as long as they are burned.

Have you ever found a food you thought you loved as a kid and found out later you didn't like it any longer?

Here I am to Worship

So this morning I was feeling a bit over whelmed and as always when I go to church the sermon is just what I needed to here.
In time of praise and worship this was one of the songs we sang this morning. Such a wonderful reminder that all we have to do is go to Him our Lord and He will be right there for us. For He cares for us.
Hope you enjoy. Blessings

So on days your feeling a bit over whelmed what do you?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finding What Works and the Venues That Help Bring In the Following

So much out there. I'm telling you I have had the most enjoyable day browsing the Internet of the blogging world. There is so much!
So much information it is overwhelming. The best part there are literally hundreds of people out there waiting and wanting to help you and support your blog ideas. They want  to connect you and your blog to a whole host of blogs and people from around the globe. The support lead generation from different sites is mind blogging.
There are Linky's, Communities and give aways along with games. I just cannot tell you all as I don't even come close to understanding it all as of yet! You must do this engine research and go form blog to blog yourself and have a grand old time as I did. You will be unexpectedly blessed in so many ways.
It is so full of rich and exciting information whether it is useful or useless, may very well depend on you and what you are in search of.  What your interest is and hobbies. There are so many ways to view the blogging community. The venues are endless. You can literally go from one page to another from one topic to another never hitting the same one twice. From one extreme to another. What you can dream of I'm sure is out there. No limitations on this dream land of blogging. You can find things that you didn't even know existed. Amazing it is!
It is so amazing out there in the blog world. Everyone so wants to help you be connected with those of like mind and interest of topics or helps. So full of information from the very informed to the uninformed. To the beauty of the day and excitement of the daily routine of life. From the ramblings of those like me to those who are focused and keyed in on a specific topic of helps. To sharing their gifts and talents to helping find resources to succeed. To just connecting to another person and sharing their thoughts and ideas. You name it its there for you.
The themes are endless! The information and fascinating people from all over the world. Places I have never heard of or things I have never thought about. Education, traveling, history, collections of every kind, from self help to ones daily journey like mine.
You can actually visit other countries right from your own computer room and home. I have traveled the globe this afternoon and seen many places. Places I would have never desired to see but have now thought how wonderful it would be to go there and visit. My bucket list of places to travel grew in one small afternoon around the globe through blogging.
I have saved money in ways I've never dreamed possible in coupon land. To visiting how others live in days gone by. Trying to guess who this person is; to finding the rightful family members to lost and old photos. It is surely an amazing world out there. Only your mind can limit you in the world of blogging.
You can learn about Our Father in heaven and how He has influenced ones life and changed it for the better; find prayers of love and hope. Coaching in every area of life you can think of. To support groups in life circumstances, being a military wife to learning to move your family from one country to another. Family planning, to raising a large family, homeschooling and oh so much more. Planning a marriage, to learning to cook. Such a wide range a of topics that it would never be able to be covered all by me I'm sure.
Oh the Venues of this blogging world of connecting and helping, linking and following supporting. Plus I'm sure a whole host of things I'm not even remembering or even touched or hit upon or maybe even found as of yet. What an amazing world trip I have taken in the comforts of my computer and home.
The blogging world connecting me to the realms outside my world and beyond. Places and things I have never ever dreamed or imagined. I'm so excited to be a part of this new world of connection and social net working. I will have so much fun finding my way around this new world. Making new friends, making my mark in this land of blogging and sharing around the globe. Marketing my gifts and talents to share with others. What a wonderful place in the safety of my home. Having fun blogging about my day and my adventures the Lord has gifted me with each new day.

What are your blogging adventures through the blog land?

Sometimes Heart Ache Comes In Strange Ways

Being a mom is the hardest job I have ever ever been given in my life. I must say that I'm very honored that God saw fit to bless me with three wonderful beautiful daughters.
That He thought I was more than able to be their mom and the best one for them. I thank Him everyday for this blessing in my life.
As a result He also gave me the opportunity and blessing to be a grandmother to the ten most awesome and beautiful  grandchildren ever! That my beautiful daughters blessed me with as well. Which is even a higher Honor in my book! Too think God thought that I was even worthy to be blessed in such a way. He has truly graced me beyond my wildest dreams.
But as I said in the start of this blog being a mom is the hardest job I have ever had. When they were small, I could always figure out what the needed. I always seemed to know when they needed a hug and kiss. When to hold and cuddle them and take their pain away. I knew how to make sure all of their basic needs where meet. Loving them was so easy! They were like little dolls, that I had been given to love hold and cherish.
But as the years went on and they grew into beautiful young women. No longer those beautiful little porcelain dolls but young women that where growing into what God had created them to be. More beautiful then words can express... That's when this job became hard.
As the years past and I had to give them to the world to become who God created them to be. I thought my very heart would break into a million pieces. But I knew that God would always be with them and hold them and guide them.
The heart ache came in so many ways. From watching them get their hearts broken from the boy who didn't receive their gift of friendship or the first love. From the first kiss to the broken heart of the failed marriage.
Then they become wife's and moms. I was so proud! I knew that they where going to understand the love and blessing that I was given in them. That their hearts would be so full that they would not be able to understand how one could hold it all. But as the years would pass they would understand that love because that is the love God gives us all everyday.
It is what we as moms so easily do for our precious children daily, just as the Lord does for us.
The heart ache we must cause Him! Oh the heart ache I feel when my daughters hurt and I cannot do anything but stand in pray and beg my Father in heaven to hold them tight and take the pain and guide them into the place of love grace and peace. 
My heart aches in strange painful ways that I cannot even express. I often wonder is that what our Father in heaven fills when we are hurting and lost and feeling alone; when we don't reach out for Him. How He must hurt as I do when we can do nothing but sit back and wait for them. Just as He does us. The heart ache! The waiting! Oh how it hurts so! We just say please just reach out. I can so hear our Father in heaven saying those very words: "I'm here just reach out my child I'm here for you."
Sometimes the heart ache comes in such strange ways through listening to their voices without them ever saying really anything. The tone the quietness the stillness in the phone call. My heart starts to ache and I just know I must go to that pray closet and pray.
I know I cannot be there for them. As when they where small and I could wash that tear drop from their eye and kiss that boo boo away. I so many times wish they where those small  little dolls that I could make everything in their world okay once again. But.... now I must wait and wait and wait! I must lean upon my God in heaven my Father to help me to pray and to hold unto Him.

Lord I thank you for these gifts my beautiful daughters. I know you care for them more than I. As they were first loved by you. I thank you Lord for giving me these daughters to love, hold and cherish, and to raise. To help bring them up into the women of God you have created them to be. I thank you that you know every thing that they will ever need. You will know every heart ache and pain that they will suffer Lord. That you will be there to wipe every tear and ease their pain Lord.  That you will rejoice when they rejoice and laugh when they laugh. That you alone will guide them and direct them into the way in which you would have them to go Lord. I thank you that you hold them in the very palm of you hand Lord. That you have that hedge of protection encamped about them Lord. That you have given them wisdom and instruction and guidance. That you send those perfect laborers across their path to help up hold them and under gird them in all things Lord. I thank you for your perfect peace that surrounds them and surpasses all understanding Lord. I thank you that you have given them favor Lord with man and the kings and queens of this world Lord. That everything that they set their hands to shall prosper Lord and that they will not lack or go without Father. I thank you that no weapons formed against them should ever prosper Lord. I thank you for these daughters Lord and that you know my heart and my prayers for each one and their very different needs.  Thank you for their children and the blessing of being their grandmother Lord. I thank you that you are watching over them as you do their parents and me Lord. I thank you for giving  me peace in the heart ache and pain that I don't understand but you do Lord. I thank you for the VICTORY in their lives in every area Lord as they go through each day. May they always look up to you and reach for the heavens where their heavenly Father is first loved them. I thank you that they would only have ears to hear your voice Lord and that they would always heed to that voice in Jesus name. I thank you for working all things out for your good and your glory in Jesus name Amen

What helps you when your heart aches?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Multnoham Falls

Fingerprint Friday

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God

Link back to the Rustedchain. You will be blessed from all the beautiful finger prints shared.

I think these pictures speak for themselves today. The beauty that God has blessed us with. If you are ever in Oregon this is a must see. It is in the beautiful Historic Columbia Gorge on the Columbia River. It is best seen from the old scenic highway. Many more falls to see hike and view. Though you can view this beauty that God has given us on I84. Just East of Portland about 25 minutes.
Have super blessed Friday. I have been wanting to do fingerprint Friday hope you all enjoy. What finger print has God left for you? Blessings

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Miss Guided Day

   big blue rotary phone
The day starts with the ring of the phone
Pour a hot cup of coffee
Wrap back up in a cozy blanket.
Oh NO!
The dog needs to go out for her morning duty
Listen to the morning news
Catch a glimpse of the weather
Nah! Just look out the window
Oh Yea!
Get ready for the day
Rush out the door
View ImageSlow down cops everywhere
One lady after another
Home at last
Get ready for another day of rounds!
Don't ever start the day without prayer!

How is your week going?

Have Hair Will Travel

Have Hair Will Travel.
Styles By Beth

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Picture Within A Picture

As this week continues to move at the speed of lighting I thought I would post some more of the pictures I took this past weekend on my outing. They are kind of fun ones like the ones of the rocks in the post "What Do You See?" I posted earlier this week on 1/22/11. I could ask that question of these photos as well. So again I will ask "What Do You See?" As they really are a picture within a picture.
They may not be your usual scenes of beauty but they are scenes of beauty in a whole new view of the little diamonds and gifts layed on the path for us daily in life.
They are unusual pictures that are very beautiful in their own rite. I saw much beauty in each one.
It is amazing how Gods beauty graces us everyday in many ways. If we would just stop and take time to open each gift placed upon the path of life that He leaves upon the path of life for us daily all day long.  The question then being are we willing to take the time and see the gifts and unwrap each one that is layed out before us?  I found some and wanted to share them. So here are a few of my unwrapped gifts on my path of life. There are ones inside these photos which to me are a picture within a picture. Taken on my outing on my mini vacation this past weekend.
As you can see, I saw a picture inside of a picture so to speak. They caught my eye just like when I was a kid making imagines and things out of clouds.
So what do you see in my picture within a picture?

Hope you enjoy the view and the gifts that I found on this  past Saturday afternoon.
Let me know what you think I will be looking forward to hearing back from you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Frustration With Face Book

As I usually do every night I get onto face book and I play a few games along with chatting and catching up with a few friends. I have found it a great way to stay connected and get reconnected with old friends as well as  co workers. Not to mention a wonderful and helpful tool in business for  net working.
It helps me stay connected to family like my grandchildren who live in another state. I get to play games with them. Share photos and a host of other wonderful things as well.
It keeps me up on some of the latest information dealing with my business and the great tools others are using to get great results. Wonderful for sharing information.
Sadly I have not been able to get on at all this day; due to this message that keeps coming up:

Account Temporarily Unavailable

Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

I feel a little out of sorts. I'm praying this is just a short term problem. As I have spoken with a few of my friends via the land line and they have no problems at all. So it must be something with me. God only knows. It wont even let me go to the log in page or home page where you would start a new account. WEIRD!
Which is causing me frustration as I would love to be able to contact someone and it wont even let me do that.
The good news is this will make me shut down the computer earlier tonight and get some of my bible study reading and work book questions done a little sooner than planned.
Could this be a sign that I need to be working on the study of having "Boundaries"?

Which we started this morning. I'm very excited about this class. I have done this study many times and seem to grow from it every time. Each one has been done by different instructors and teachers. It is wonderful to have it come at you in different ways even though you are using a book those who lead have different styles and technique's. So you gleen from it in many ways. through for I grow from it even more.

Do you have special ways of staying connected with family?

Grandma's Apron

Gods love beaming down

I was reading some of the blogs I follow and was doing a little R&R since I have been so busy lately with such a full plate of work. Taking time and just reflecting on what is written and posted whether the written word or pictures. For they just bless me in so many ways. They just seem to reflect Gods precious love.  I love to think about what the Lord is saying through each one. I find them refreshing and just another way of Gods love pouring out over us through others insight and their life experiences. Each one seems to reach out to me in one way or another. I read many but I only go back to a few daily when they post. As I'm sure we all have our favorites, I know I do! 
This one I read today I just recently found. I have been reading and following her as she has really touched my heart with her blog. My heart is ministered too in so many ways. She has such a comforting effect through her typed words and pictures as well as the lovely music that soothingly playing on her site. The one I read today on her blog was about her mom and her iron collection the memories of childhood. I just found myself transport in time. I was reflecting myself and remembering my lovely childhood memories. Funny that has been going on allot lately with me. Wonder what God is up to?  

Gods love

So I got to thinking about my grandma and her ironing then of course mom and me. So I thought about this poem that was shared with me so many moons ago. Which actually has nothing but... everything to do with days gone by. It holds many cherished thoughts and memories for me as well. As I so remember grandma's apron and my mothers. Which she still wears to this day. I remember making my first apron in Home E. Which I can say I never liked and needless to say my apron was quite the project that took me all semester. Which I'm sure broke my moms heart as none of her daughters seemed much interested in anything to do with Home E. 
So I thought with the refection of the afternoon I would share this poem as it seems to be the theme of the day. I don't know who wrote it but I posted the information I do have on it. I have had a copy of this around in my many collections of wisdom and poems that I have tucked away. 
As well I have link to the wonderful blog that has so touched my heart, thank you to her and her sharing her beautiful life of Gods love. 
With A Grateful Heart

apron clipartGrandma's Apron
I don't think our kids know what an apron is.
The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and they used less material, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.
It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears…
From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.
When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.
And when the weather was cold grandma wrapped it around her arms.
Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.
Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables.
After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.
In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.
When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men-folk knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.
It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes.
Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool.
Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw.
They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron.
I never caught anything from an apron…But Love. (Author Unknown)
NOTE: This poem Grandma's Apron is often listed as "Author Unknown" but the original version was written by Tina Trivett. Take a look at the original poem:

Where I found the clip art.
What memories do you hold dear and cherish from your childhood?

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Morning Path Walked

Time to check out a new path direction

I guess even for an old dog they get tired of going the same ol' way over and over again. So this morning CK lead us on a new path through the field in a whole new direction.
So we didn't go our true and tired way. We had to find a new morning path to walk and see if we could get to some of the same favorite places from this new direction and path.
Guess What? She did!
That good ol' sniffer of hers is in good shape and found us right where we usually end up in a whole new direction on the new morning path we walked today.

This smells really good here

Guess that old hunting nose of hers is still in good working order. We found lots of things to stop and smell along the way. They must of been wonderful scents as some we stopped at longer then others. I'm sure she was taking a mental note and cataloging it in her mind. As well as taking our time putting our scent along the way. To let everyone know there's a new girl in town on this new path.

I wonder if my friend has been by here?

We meet a couple of new friends along the way. Always exciting to meet new four legged friends out for the morning walk. So we had to stop and visit and check one another out and have a small bit of advice for each other.
So wish I talked bark and wag the tail. I can sometimes figure some of it out.... But not always. Then we said our goodbyes and headed out towards home.
It was a good morning. But as all things they must come to an end and here we greet our home door once again. Just in time for that morning nap.

Not much here mom

I think its time to head home mom

Another morning comes to a close.

Do you like to take different routes when you head to work or go to some your favorite spots in town?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something To Ponder.. In This Year 2011

This has been passed on to me several times. It may have been passed to you as well as it has been on email face book and I'm sure as well as on many other social networks. I have found it to be one those items that I'm sure will be continually passed around through the better part of the year. I imagine these dates will be having many scramble to have their weddings on and planning the birth of their children around; because of the uniqueness of them.  
I'm sure some mathematically genius put this together.
I found it to be very interesting. Almost scary actually as it does work. Hmmmm.............

PONDER THIS..........This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 .... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111!! (I copied and pasted this from a friend's post...very interesting).

Hope you have fun with it and please pass it on if you haven't seen it before. Its one of those fun things that I think is fun to share.
What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear what you think on this. Post a comment. Thank you!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Me and My New Blanket Coat

Mom got me a new blanket coat today.

I'm really loving my new blanket coat!

I'm feeling warm and cozy in this new blanket coat.

I'm so proud to wear this new blanket coat.

Okay mom! Enough photos already!

Time to rest in my new blanket coat.
See you in dream land.

Have you gotten a new coat recently?