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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November Blessings ~ Counting It All Joy! (Week one)


Time changes
Darkness comes early
With the leafs dancing
And twirling around 
From the blowing winds of change
November brings home fires burning
With Thanksgiving 
And family gatherings
Around the hearth
Little ones await
With chatter and laughter
As time waits for no one
As the season changes from one to another
From the rising sun
To the moonlit nights
The coldness of the earth
The first snows of the season
That blanket her in sparkling glory
As she rest in the early snow beds
In rich colors only November can bring
Time waits for no one


November 1~ Good morning! And a very early morning it is!It is dark thirtyish! Not my favorite time to get up at all! But I up and I'm getting ready for this day and my new job. So though I would rather roll over and go back to sleep I have a new adventure awaiting me. So with this new horizon upon me I'm sure I will have plenty to be thankful for. 
1. Morning coffee 
2.Power drink to start the day. 
3. Thankful for GPS Even when it is not set for highway driving. Took me throughtowntowork.What fun that was. 
4. Finally finding a parking spot. Then finding out that I do have a special parking place with my name on it. Thank you Lord. 
5. Getting in almost 8,000 steps today without even trying.Guess working helps get steps in too. Got to love that. 
6. Finding out that I work too fast even though I think I'm working much to slow. Way too funny! My new nickname "Speedy Gonzales". 
7. Meeting my co`workers. Very nice people. 
8. Thankful for my cane today. 
9. Chicken pot pie 
10 Phone call about a haircut for next week. Love that I still get my hands in what I love doing. Thank you Lord! 
11. Crystal N Koch calling and checking in to see how my day went. Your so awesome! Thank you! I miss you so much! Much love and prayers. 
12. Laughter 
Thank you Lord for this new chapter in my life and all the funny things that happened today. From my driving in circles looking for parking, to my lunch exploding, to working to fast, to coming home to rest for the next round. Thank you that I am able to have this opportunity. Thank you Cindy Forsythe Rieder for recommending this job to me. Blessings

November 2~ Good morning! All I can say is getting up at 4:30-5 is surely for the birds! But hey one has to do what they have to do. So these early mornings are bringing a whole new perspective and new things to be thankful for. 
1. Most defiantly that first cup of coffee. 
2. Lights on my car so I can see in the dark. 
3. The beautiful city lights as I come into town just before dawn breaks.So very pretty! 
4. The American flag that flies on the point of the boom that is in the construction site near where I work. Love seeing old glory fly!
 5. The wonderful education I received today at work from the ladies I worked with. From medical to geography, history, music, traveling abroad, foreign language, you name it I think it was covered.These ladies were a wealth of education and history. Really enjoyed working with them today. 
6. Tylenol 
7. Getting off early and enjoying the beautiful afternoon. And late walk along the Sandy river. 
8. Talking to mom and just chatting. 
9. I love you; is the best sentence ever. You can never hear it enough. 
10. Being told I look 35. OH WOW! Thank you! 
Thank you Lord for another day filled with new adventures, meeting new people and learning new things. Thank you for the vast opportunities you bless me with daily. For the sunshine that smiles upon me on misty grey morning to a beautiful blue afternoon sky. Forall this and so much more and all the things I take for granted daily I thank you. Blessings

November 3~ Good morning! First weekend of the new month. Up early for early appointments. Though I'd rather be is waiting for me......and making adventures out the ordinary everyday duties. So first thankful of the day is I'm awake and ready to make adventures. 
1. Very thankful for Aleve. 
2. Being able to layer my clothes to stay warm. Having the clothes to do the layering. 
3. Walk around the Firestone parking lot getting my exercise in. 
4. Meeting friendly clerks in the stores as I wandered around. Friendly smiles. 
5. New windshield wipers 
6. Thank you David for stopping by and having late day coffee with me. 
7. Word search puzzles 
8. The start of Christmas movies on Hallmark. 
9. Hot tea and Christmas movies 
10. Electricity 
11. Running water 
12. Honey 
13. That have my clocks are already set back. 
Thank you Lord for another day to celebrate the goodness of life and it's many simple pleasures. Blessings

November 4~ Good morning! OH I don't like this time change! It never fails either way I end up losing sleep. I'm supposed to get more sleep but NO! But somehow we will end up adjusting and get on track then it will be time to switch again. So now that we have supposedly gained an hour of sleep Im up and it's time to find the magic in this day. Which I'm ready to do. 
1. Morning coffee with vitamins
2. Warm sweaters and layers 
3. Invitation to breakfast thank you David. 
4. Seeing some old friends I haven't seen in awhile. 
5. The rain that we so need. 
6. Invitation to lunch. Thank you Cindy! 
7. Spending the afternoon with Cindy. 
8. The beautiful breaks of sunlight in the clouds that bring amazing light. 
9. Loving my new windshield wipers. No more squeak and I can see out the window now when I use the wipers. 
10. A DVR to tape some of the new movies I want to watch. 
11.Another invitation to come over for a evening visit. Why yes! So nice to see you Bob. Always great to see Marshall. 
12. Warm PJ's 
Thank you Lord for this day filled with so much more than I ever mention in my list. Each day is filled with so many wonderful things to be so thankful for. It seems it is an endless list. Thank you for the little things that add up to the great things in life. Blessings

November 5~ Good morning! need for wake up calls. Seems I'm already wide awake. Not sure that is I'm wide awake before rise time. Thankful to be given another day. Not sure what this day holds but am ready to move forward with my coffee in hand. 
1. Encouraging words from scripture that sustains me through difficult days and times. 
2. Getting in to see the dentist on an emergency. So grateful they got me in right away. 
3. For my tooth staying in place while Impressions were being made. 
4. Bags for recycling bottles and cans. 
5. Gas for my car. And thankfully the price dropped just a little bit. Every penny counts. 
6. Afternoon nap 
7. Prayers 
8. Yogurt 
9. Calls that check in on me. 
10. Laundry washed, dried, folded and put away. 
Thank you Lord for getting me through this day and still seeing all that I have to be grateful daily. Even on a day that has presented itself to be a bit difficult there is still much to be thankful for. Thank you for always meeting all of my needs. Blessings

November 6~ Good morning! Oh I so tired to sleep late. didn't work out. It's going to make for an extremely long day into tomorrow when I would be waking up. Not sure the night shift and I are friends as we once were so very long ago. We used to be party partners and the very best of friends, but times have changed. So ......I will try and get some rest to make it through this day and night. Wonder what little blessings of thanksgiving lays ahead for me today. 
1. Coffee and lots of it today. 
2. Yoga pants and comfortable clothing. 
3. Getting my doctor appointment made for Friday afternoon. Excited my sister will meet me there. Thank you Rosie! 
4. An afternoon walk to mailbox and back. 
5. Election Day where your vote counts. 
6. Nail file 
7. Peaceful afternoon relaxing before a very long night. 
8. TV to enjoy as I relax. 
9. Sun peeking through my windows as it weaves in and out of the clouds. 
10. Thank you David for driving me to work this evening. 
Thank you Lord for this day and for strengthening me for the work ahead of me this evening. Thank you that I will be alert and awake. For this opportunity to vote and let my voice be heard. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you Lord for all this and so much more. Blessings

November 7~ Well I never saw my bed or ...just the day started while I was working. Good morning my lovely friends. Many cups of java ti keep me going. Which will be needed before days end. Because I will need to sleep tonight for work tomorrow. Gods grace and strength carried me through. Thank you everyone for the love, encouragement, prayers and support. I don't think I could've done it without them and my java. Already the thankful list is full with more to come. 
1. Not having to drive. Thank you David for being so gracious as to drive me to and from work on the night shift. 
2. Getting some extra time in. 
3. Meeting some really nice people and being able to work with them. 
4. Sriracha peas 
5. My coat to keep me warm. 
6. My cell phone and internet for down time. 
7. Making a yummy ravioli cheese dinner for tonight. 
8. Hot showers 
9. Meeting Cindy for a glass of wine after work. 
10. Afternoon nap 
11. My phone not ringing today. That was awesome! 
12. Sweet rolls that David bought me. Thank you. 
13. Meeting someone who inspired me. Gloria at 87 still works and hikes and is full of energy. She is an inspiration I'm grateful I had the pleasure of meeting and working with. You go Gloria! You inspired us all today at work. Your amazing! 
Thank you Lord for carrying me through this day and meeting so many needs I had no idea I would have need of. For the rest and quiet at home as I relaxed to prepare for my adventures tomorrow. Thank you! Blessings

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