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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November Blessings ~ Counting It All Joy! (Week Three)


Time changes
Darkness comes early
With the leafs dancing
And twirling around 
From the blowing winds of change
November brings home fires burning
With Thanksgiving 
And family gatherings
Around the hearth
Little ones await
With chatter and laughter
As time waits for no one
As the season changes from one to another
From the rising sun
To the moonlit nights
The coldness of the earth
The first snows of the season
That blanket her in sparkling glory
As she rest in the early snow beds
In rich colors only November can bring
Time waits for no one


November 15~ Good morning! Can you believe it we are halfway through the month and a week away from Thanksgiving! Doesn't seem possible. Where has the time gone? And today I want to work on projects around the house. So part of me wants to roll over and go back to sleep were the other half says get up get it done! Coffee with be my motivation today. When my projects are done I will feel so accomplished and thankful. In the meantime I know I will have plenty of wonderful things to unwrap and be thankful for today. 
1. My slippers 
2. Throwing away unnecessary piles of papers and magazines. Actually they are recycled. Glad we have that option. 
3. Yoga pants and sweatshirt. 
4. Washer & Dryer 
5. Andy Griffith reruns 
6. Finding my hammer and nails 
7. A beautiful afternoon walk in the park. 
8. A wonderful surprise phone call from Shari this evening. So happy to hear from you. 
9. The beautiful sunshine 
10. Meeting up with Cindy and her mom. 
11. Hot showers and fuzzy warm PJ's 
Yes! Thank you Lord for this wonderful day of feeling accomplished in some of my projects. Though not complete they are on there way. For smiles and sunshine that brighten my day. The friendships and my family that make me full whole and complete. These are just a few of the things I'm so thankful for. Blessings

November 16~ Good morning! It is Friday! We are heading into the weekend! WOW! How time goes when were having fun! Up early as we have men coming over today. Or at least I hope so. Suppose to get the dishwasher put in. So must get up and get myself put together for this event. So I'm off and running as I unwrap this day and all the gifts that await me. 
1. Morning coffee 
2. James and David coming over and putting in my dishwasher. 
3. Getting phone calls made to find numbers and get some help on some medical issues. So happy they were so friendly and kind. Not to mention very helpful. 
4. Having a landline to make calls and wait for call backs. 
5. Going out for lunch. Thank you David. 
6. The photos of my grandchildren being shared on Facebook of their accomplishments, vacations and life. So proud of them all. Love each one with all my heart. Miss them so very much. 
7. Jigsaw puzzles 
8. Air freshener 
9. Friendly neighbors 
10. Electricity so I have lights, heat, and use of the internet and so much more. 
Thank you Lord for this day and for meeting such a small need as getting my dishwasher put in. Sometimes it's just the simple little things that make the biggest difference and makes us the happiest thank you. Blessings

November 17 ~ Good morning! It is the weekend and we have adventures that await me. I have people to see and places to go. So much to be thankful for as I start this weekend. 
1. Sunshine peeping through my windows. 
2. My tennis shoes and the inserts in them that help my feet.
 3. Phone call and messages, from all three of my girls each telling me I love you. The best gift of all. 
4. Listening to the winds chimes as the east county wind blows. 
5. Forever stamps 
6. A late afternoon walk. 
7. An invitation to an early Thanksgiving celebration. Thank you so very much. Wonderful family, great conversation, fun and laughter with yummy food. 
8. Electrical cord to charge my phone. 
9. The still quiet of my home 
10. Prayers 
Lord I thank you for the many gifts today I have been blessed with. One the small glimpse into truly how small this word actually is. Just as I think it cannot get any smaller you show me yes it can! Thank you for this day of being apart of a family during this beautiful Thanksgiving season. Blessings

(Note: This was a second rewrite. First one got deleted. Bummer it had so much more content and written much better. It went off into cyber heaven.)

November 18~ Good morning! Oh it's a bit chilly this morning! Just want to stay under my covers and stay cozy warm. But then I would miss out on what the day has for. So it is time to get up and unwrap the day and find all the amazing gifts that I have to be thankful for today. 
1. Morning text to start the day! I like those! They do bring smiles that is for sure. 
2. Curling iron and hairbrush 
3. My coat and neck scarf, as I dash out the door. 
4. A nice large bag of leftovers to bring home from Cindy's house from the early Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you so much. 
5. Walking around Marshall's and getting Christmas ideas as well as home decor ideas. Then finding a couple of bargains. 
6. Thankful my niece is going to be okay. Thank you Lord for a speedy recovery for her in Jesus name. 
7. Hot clam chowder and tea to warm the insides. 
8. Afternoon walk with the fur babies and Cindy. Love the sunshine. 9. Finding the electric wine opener for 10 dollars. 
10. Locks on my doors. 
Thank you lord for another beautiful day of views and beauty with friends. Thank you for the sunshine that fills my life. Thank you for the many provisions as you meet each one of my daily needs. Each day there is so much to be thankful for as we take our first breath in the morning to the closing of our eyes in the evening. How rich our lives truly are. Blessings

November 19~ Good morning! It Monday heading into a short work week as we head towards Thanksgiving day. I have a full day ahead of me. As I truly just want to rollover and pull the covers up over my head. But life is calling my name. So I will arise and make my day shine as I look for all the gifts I have to be thankful for. 
1. The geese flying over my house making their music as they head to warmer waters. 
2. Banana for breakfast with my coffee. 
3. The very nice social worker at Senior Disability services that helped me this morning. Good information and helpful in helping me understand. 
4. Public faculties, that are clean. 
5. The green bottle return. Love that they count my bottles. 
6. Getting my glasses adjusted and eye glass cleaner bottles refilled. Nice they do that for free. 
7. The angels of the Lord watching over me today. They were working overtime today. 
8. Eggnog 
9. Talking with Crystal N Koch today and praying. Miss and love you. Thank you always for the encouragement and prayers. 
10. Sitting on the sofa enjoying looking out the window. 
11. Mashed potatoes 
12. Soft foods 
13. Music 
14. Hot bubble baths 
15. Shawls to throw over my shoulder to stay warm. 
Thank you Lord for another day of blue skies and sunshine. For mountain views of beauty. Thank you for meeting my many various needs. Thank you for watching over me and protecting me. Blessings

November 20~ Good morning! Ugh!It is cold and it is early! But....I must get up to create that beautiful smile of beauty. It is always such a beautiful drive out to Dolores house. I thank God everyday for my friend that told me about this route. I have enjoyed so much. It is like a mini vacation to me. I sometimes wish I could thank him in person or just let him know. But....that isn't to be. Maybe someday the opportunity will arise and I will be able. My first thankful is for my friend that shared this route. I always have so much to be thankful for. 

1. Weather forecast on the news. 

2. Good morning text from my daughter Amber Webber with mom I love you have an awesome day. Love waking to those texts. 

3. No more wisdom in my hair as it was washed away with a beautiful sunlight color of youthfulness. 

4. Meeting up with Melissa Simmons today after bringing smiles of beauty to Dolores. 

5. Country roads, blue skies and sunshine. 

6. Having a camera to enjoy taking photos with. Playing with my camera with the black and white. 

7. The law enforcement that protects and watches over us. 

8. Talking with Crystal N Koch and prayers. 

9. My down coat that has kept me warm today. 

10. Hidden treasures found in the park as I walked around kicking up the leafs. 

11. Fun on the river back of the Clackamas.

12.The view of Mt. Hood. 

Thank you Lord for yet another day of packed full of beauty and friendship. With hugs and Thanksgiving wishes. Thank you for meeting each need and making provisions before I even ask. Truly I have so much to be thankful for each and everyday. Blessings

November 21~ Good morning! Slept in a little today. Always nice to stay in bed just a little longer. Wonder what awaits in this day before Thanksgiving. 
1. Coffee and cream of wheat to start my day. 
2. My old pink bathrobe 
3. Looking at memories at FB. So much has changed over the years. Thankful for each season of life. 
4. For our military 
5. The little rain showers that came through today. 
6. Love the scent of the fresh rain fall. So yep the nose that I can smell with. 
7. My electric fireplace 
8. Clean shower curtains freshly washed and dried. 
9. Popcorn 
10. My snowman that lights up and puts a lovely fresh scent in my home. Love it! My daughter Racheal Perry gave it to me last year for Christmas. Puts a smile on my face and warm my heart as well as my home. 
11. Windows to look out 
12. A broom and dust pan. 
It is the little things! 
Thank you Lord for another day to celebrate and be thankful for. Blessings

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