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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Thankful List April 10/2020

Thankful List

Thankful List:
1. Awake early for appointments. To sun breaking through the windows. Reminding me I have so much to be thankful for.
2. Th morning coffee as I get ready for my day. My routine of talking to God and praying as I do my hair and makeup.
3. Earlier morning grocery shopping. WOW! When you're in the stores at 7am Something I never did before covid19. Actually kinda cool!
4. Having a bank appointment. Who knew how important that was. Get pulled out of line outside and right in. Thank you! Crazy new way of doing banking. Thankful how they are working on keeping us all safe.
5. WOW! Walmart to get medications. Thankful didn't have to get out of my car. A call to let them know I'm here. They verify who I am. Then go over my prescriptions. Then passed over to the pharmacist. Then they bring out my prescriptions to my car. I ran my card. Thankful I didn't have to go inside it took much longer than it normally does. No line and yet I felt safe and was able to get what I needed thank you Walmart.
6. Going for afternoon walk with Cindy and the fur babies. Soaking up the beautiful sunshine. Realizing I had all my shopping and business done by 10:30 a.m. WOW!
7. Working in my front yard area. Thank you Cindy for being able to distinguish the flowers from the weeds. Excited to see the transformation.
8. Sitting around my outdoors table drinking a glass of champagne with Cindy after working so hard in the yard.
9. Talking to Rose. Thankful she sounds so good and she is being well taken care. Continued prayers. Love you. Thank you Lord!
10. Sitting around the firepit enjoying the evening after a very productive day.

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