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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Thankful List April 9/2020

Thankful List

Thankful List:
1. Another day to find beauty in and to be thankful for.
2. For friends that teach out when our friends need us. Thank you!
3. That God hears our prayers and cries and answers them.
4. For my daughter Heather's morning phone call that wakes me with a smile of live. Thank you I live you so very much.
5. My phone lines both if them. And text messaging. Got to love these lines of communication especially in these times and for long distance conversations.
6. Talking with my friends in California Linda, Susan, and Tricia. As well as Rose.
7. Thanking the Lord for surgeons and good health care. Thank you Lord for Rose's speedy recovery.
8. Talking to Crystal and Jerry knowing God has you both in His hands. Love you.
9. To my mom who I love hearing her voice and I love you.
10. For Cindy and her family
11. The wonderful evening dinner, wine and the firepit this evening. So relaxing after a bit of a stressful day.
12. God's amazing grace

Thank you Lord for another day filled with your mercy and protection. Fir meeting all of my provisions today. Thank you for meeting all of my various needs abundantly spoken and unspoken daily.
Good night my family and friends you are a bright and shiny light in the darkness. You bring sunshine to my world in my journey through life. Sweet dreams until tomorrow's morning light.

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