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Thursday, January 25, 2018

January Blessings ~ Counting It All Joy! (Week Three)


Time to write that new chapter
In your life
New adventures
New journey's to be enjoyed
And discovered
All awaiting for
Us to discover!

Sliding in
To the New year!
Frosty weather
Waiting to melt into our hearts
A brand new chapter
Of life
Waiting to be lived and enjoyed!

January 15 ~ Just a few things I'm thankful for on this day I have been blessed with. 
1. Waking to a phone call from my beautiful baby girl Racheal Perry
2. Hearing I love you! 
3. Having a house full of friends. 
4. Having morning coffee with Sherilynn Ganther
5. Turkey bacon. 
6. Getting my car washed. Though it really needs a good old fashion hand wash. 
7. Loved getting my haircut this afternoon. So happy! Thank you Leah! 
8. Being a grandma......and wishing my first born granddaughter Happy 18th birthday! Blessings Sara Harris your light shines bright. I love you! 💕💖💕💖💕     
9. Hugs. 
10. A call from Geo Sutter that brightened my afternoon and encouraged me. 
Thankful for all this and so much more. 
Thank you Lord! Blessings

January 16~ Early good morning! A day full of appointments. Today I have many things to be thankful for. 1. Morning coffee 
2. Beautiful morning sky. 
3. My car to get to my scheduled appointments. 
4. A good morning call from my friend Geo Sutter. Always brightens my day. 
5. Short gas line at Costco when I went to get my gas this afternoon. 
6. Unseasonably warmer weather and sunshine. 
7. Meeting new people and feeling connected. 
8. Mary McCormick Loomis cheery happy voice on the phone. 
9. Chicken nuggets. 
10. Salt water taffy. 
And so many more to list that I'm extremely thankful for in this day. So many gifts and treasures given me each day to be thankful for. Truly the Lord blesses me abundantly. Thank you Lord! Blessings

January 17~ Good morning Wednesday smiles! And crazy FB nightmare! Early rise for my trip to Oregon City, to create a smile of beauty. So many things to be thankful for today. 
1. That I have wonderful understanding friends. 
2. For hairspray to hold my hair style. 
3. A beautiful drive on the back country roads along the Clackamas River to Oregon City. 
4. Watching the flock of 20 wild turkeys at Dorlores house. They are huge. She had to chase them off. 
5. Not having to eat lunch or dinner alone today. 
6. Afternoon nap. 
7. An afternoon movie. 
8. Hope that I can clean up the mess moments made on my page. Hope really covers a multitude of things I'm hopeful for that makes me very grateful. 
9. Home inside before the rain storm hit. 
10. My slippers my daughter Webber Heather got me for Christmas. 
11. Cozy sweatshirts and comfortable clothing. 
Yes, always something to be thankful for everyday. To think this is just the short list. Being grateful and thankful everyday makes one look for the positive in everything. Thank you Lord for another day. Blessings

January 18~ Abruptly awoken way to early. Need to go back to sleep. Good morning Thursday! Rainy day storms that bring tomorrow's blooms. Today I have so much to be thankful for. 
1. For the word of God. My bible filled with much comfort. A road map to my life. 
2. Opening the bible laying across my chest and going back to sleep peacefully. 
3. A leisure start to my day. 
4. Information that I needed arrived today. So grateful! 
5. Windshield wipers. 
6. Kleenex which is needed for many things in a day. 
7. Landlines to receive and make calls with. 
8. The rain....though I'd rather have sunshine. Looking forward to those Spring blooms. 
9. Hand lotion. 
10. Glass cleaner to clean my eye glasses and many other items. So I can see clearly. 
11. God's grace for another day. 
Thank you Lord for this and so much more. Blessings

January 19~ Oh I so don't want to get up. It is Friday! Good morning! Today has some errands to run, and then a big .....?????? of what to do. I'm sure I will find something and have some fun and adventure. It is opening day to the weekend. And it is somewhat of a nice day. Sprinkles ...but not heavy rain, breaks of sun, but mostly overcast. So many wonderful things to be thankful for. 
1. Waking up! 
2. Coffee 
3. Being able to see what is hanging in my closet. 
4. Sherilynn Ganther coming over and running my errands with me. 
5. Getting my banking done and getting bills paid. 
6. A drive to Sandy, Oregon to walk around Meing Park.
 7. Playing on the play ground. 
8. Eating salad for lunch in the car. 
9. Ice cream at the Roadhouse. 
10. Laughter 
11. That my scarf was still there when we went back to get it. So very thankful that it wasn't lost. 
12. Hot towelettes 
13. Hot showers. 
It seems everyday I could go on and on about the things I'm so thankful for daily. Sometimes it's just the little things in life that make the biggest difference and why I'm thankful for the day. Thank you Lord for all these riches and so much more. Blessings

January 20~ Hello weekend! Saturday fun filled day here I come. Lots of little activities on the schedule today. Thank you Sherilynn Ganther for coming over to enjoy the day with me and to drive. Heading to see the beautiful Geo Sutter! My thankful list could fill pages today. 
1. Talking to my mom. Love that she is still here with us and I have her to call and talk too. 
2. Sheri driving today to go see Geo. 
3. Seeing Geo and having lunch with her. 
4. Having popcorn with the girls as we watched HGTV.
 5. A drive out to Estacada and Barton today. To view and watch the Clackamas river. And take a few photos. 
6. Abby's pizza for dinner. Yummy! 
7.Checking my calendar dates for future adventures and fun.
 8. A walk around Salish ponds this evening. 
9. Listening to the wild life. 
10. Forever mail mortgage payment. 
11. Laughing so hard you cry. 
12. Being able to pray and know the Lord hears your cries. 
13. Happy little post that bring smiles across the miles. 
These are just a few of the highlights of things that I'm truly grateful and thankful for today. Thank you Lord for giving me another day of riches to be so thankful for. Blessings

January 21~ Good morning Sunday! A lazy Sunday but much to be thankful for. 
1. Rolling over and falling back sleep. 
2. Morning prayers. 
3. Staying in my PJ's all day.
 4. Watching Hallmark movies and eating popcorn. 
5. Afternoon naps
 6. Hello found lingering on snap that brought a smile. 
7. Warm blankets and cozy pillows to snuggle with. 
8. A chat with Mary McCormick Loomis always brings smiles.
 9. Bottled water. 
10. Baked chicken dinner. 
11. Lights 
12. A snap from my granddaughter Mickenzee that brought huge smiles. 
Though I enjoyed a very quiet simple day there was still much to be thankful for. Thank you Lord! Blessings

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