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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Moving Adventures

Today up early....but was off to a very slow start due to my pain levels.
So extremely excited to say I have amazing friends;
 Who have come to my rescue to help me through this huge move.
This process isn't easy especial with my pain.
Then it is raining as well.
So today we did lots of purging.
Though it was just the beginning of it all.
It does feel good to let go and say good bye. 
I told them please don't tell me what you are doing with my things.
I don't want to know. 
Who is that attached to things?
Everything has a memory or something held to it.
We were able to get rid of the couch and two hydraulic salon chairs in garage; plus two dressers along with lots of plastic trolley storage container's.
Can we say goodbye!
One huge load off to donation center.
Three trips to the new house and purged over there as well.
Hang some curtains.
I can hardly wait to get them all hang.
I had to order some of the panels so am waiting on the deliver of them.

These are hang in my dinning room
I also will have them in the living room;
As soon as the panels arrive.
We hang up the valance today in the living room.
I forgot to take pictures though.
I usually do.
Oh well!
It is really starting to take shape and looking like a lovely home.
I just wish I could have afforded to get rid of that carpet.
But I cannot and windows have to be replaced.
Also need to get something to do with heating and cooling.
Called propriety!
So the priorities aren't carpet.
Would love to have a chocolate carpet put in.
I am so very exhausted!
But I really wanted to post something up.
Tomorrow is two doctor appointments.
Then I will come home and start in again.
Praying the doctors will have some answers for me.
Also praying I will receive my disability soon. 
I have lawyers.....
But haven't heard anything since before the Christmas season.
I'm sure I will hear something soon.
May this week bring you much joy and happiness.

Did you have to work during the Christmas season? 
Or are you just coming back to work from a wonderful Christmas vacation with family?

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