As the winds whistle through
Blowing Winter away
The rains come splashing down
Watering the land
As the daffodils bloom
The first signs of buds
Of the flowers to come
Chirping birds
Singing their love song
For Spring has arrived
Lovers hand and hand
Come sit awhile
Take rest in the garden
As life comes into bloom
In full color
For all to enjoy
As the March winds blow
Winter Goodbye!
~ Beth~
March 23~ Good morning! It seems old man Winter has returned with a vengeance. There is a wanted poster out on the person who has stolen the Spring sunshine from me. Beware I'm looking for you! But even with my liquid sunshine there is plenty to be thankful for on this cold Spring day.
1. Early morning phone call from the washer repairman confirming our appointment. Yea! He should be here sometime between 9:30-11:30. 2. Coffee and sweet roll with Sherilynn Ganther and David. Thank you David for creamer and sweet rolls.
3. That the washer was child protected from the adult child in the house. Ummmm........ Seems one needs to understand her buttons. So I received a few lessons on the washer today. We now know we don't want the child lock on. Lesson learned! Thankful nothing major...just a child lock preventing me from finishing up my laundry.
4. Off and running to the bank to pick up my mail. Yes you read that right. Somehow I managed to mail my mortgage payment to my bank. Yeah... I did that! This could've been so ugly! Pays to pray over those bills and have a great relationship with your bank. Glad Chelsie Lanning is my banker at Wells Fargo. Thank you! Now its headed in the right direction to the correct lender. So grateful!
5. Time to pack the get away bag and head east for the weekend. Thankful that Sheri wants to run away for the weekend as well. (And who is Dheri?)
6. Thankful that I have a family that loves opening their home up to me and my friends.
7. There was no question where to be at dinner time. Christine Good said making spaghetti for dinner. Said I'm on my way. There was no question where we were going to be for dinner and there we were; both Dheri and I Love you sister!
8. Conversations with 7 year old are very enlightening. I learned I'm not as smart as a 7 year old. But I can count and spell. But I don't understand Angel, Abigail, Azera, because I'm not in the eyes of a 7 year old.
9. Loved my hugs and kisses from my great nephew's Daniel and Gary.
10. Yoga pants and polka-a-dots.
11. Lazy early night in the NFL room for R&R and some action movies.
Thank you Lord for the humor in this day. So thankful I can look at myself and laugh and know these are great memories and stories made to be very thankful for. Each day you fill my cup to overflowing thank you. Blessings
March 24~ Rough night! Not much sleep. Sadness! Good morning weekend and sunshine! Love waking here at sister's home and spending time with her. Feels like home when I'm here. Which gives way to many gifts and blessings to be thankful for.
1. Always my morning coffee and prayers. Which I had much to pray about this morning and today. Thank you Lord for being with all those I love and those that have great loss, that need your extra touch today.
2. Watching the movie "Burlesque" with Cher and Christina Aguilera; with Sherilynn Ganther this morning. Taking the edge off the heart break.
3. Talking to my nephew Jon this morning. Along with my brother Don. Loving my family.
4. Sitting and visiting with my sister Christine today as well. Sharing and laughing. I love you!
5. Having a family that supports and loves one another totally unconditional.
6. Finding a red table cloth, one lace table cloth, and one crochet table center, at Goodwill this afternoon. This was nice.
7. Hot wings and pizza with family.
8. Loved on by Taffy dog today along with Smokey and Baby. Crazy four legged fur babies. Perfect place to come and get my doggie fix.
9. Having a family day and enjoying each other.
10. Talking and sharing with Sherri Van Landingham Adams. I love you Sherri! If you need to talk call.
11. A down day just being there for one another.
12. Being excepted.
Thank you Lord for days when its tough and you hold us all in your loving arms. When you place those that love us in arms reach with that listening ear of unconditional love and acceptance. Yes! Some days your just thankful for those around you and making it through the day. Hearing I love you! When tears are full of loss and pain. Memories that carry you through and those that just sit with you. Thank you Lord for for just helping us take the next step and breathe. Yes these are truly reasons to be thankful for. And these are great reasons I have to be thankful for. Blessings
March 25~ It's Palm Sunday! The start of holy week leading up to Easter Sunday. Good morning sunshine! It's a beautiful day! Sister had pancakes and coffee made for breakfast. And I haven't even been up for a half hour yet. I can see the blessings are lighting up my day already; and that I will have plenty of things to be thankful for on this sunny Sunday leading us into holy week as well as the last week of March. 1. Always enjoy my morning weather. 2. Hot shower that beats down on my muscles. 3. Driving pass one of my childhood homes and stomping grounds in the The Dalles. 4. Amazing tour and information given at the The Dalles Fort Museum. Cal was very knowledgeable. 5. Walking around the grounds of the museum. Felt like a step back in time. 6. Twirling around to the Thomas Edison phonograph. The music was beautiful! 7. Feeling like a school girl, as memories of growing up in the The Dalles were stirred up. 8. Given post cards. 9. Finding lots of pamphlets for future adventures. 10. Going to St. Peter's Catholic Church were I attended as a child. Now on the historical register. Gene Salvador, was full of humor and shared memories here. Had great information and stories to share as well . 11. Then a stop at the city park at the end of the old Oregon trail and Lewis and Clark Expedition. 12. Nice steak dinner with Sherilynn Ganther and family. 13. Making it an early evening with my sister watching movies and TV. 14. Spending the day sharing history and my little town the The Dalles I love so much with Sheri. Thank you Lord for the sunshine and the gorge winds. For all history that is woven into our lives and the places we live, through each generation. Thank you for waking me to making my mark in history today. I am thankful for all that is given so freely everyday. Blessings
March 26~ Oh so want more sleep. Give up! Up and starting this day before six. Ick! Hey gives me more day to accomplish things. Good morning Monday and new week. What awaits me is doctors.....but I'm sure there are activities and adventures that await as well. There will be something to be thankful for as there always is.
1. Warm clothes.
2. Coffee always! It is the kick starter for my day. Especially today!
3. Prayers...need them everyday all day.
4. That I got my shots for my feet. It was tough! Thank you Sherilynn Ganther for talking me through them and letting me squeeze the s#$% out them. Thankful for that hand.
5. The stop at Memaloose Park. Enjoyed the views.
6. Home to regroup and work on projects.
7. Working on taxes. (Have them ready hopefully tomorrow for Rosie this weekend to file.) Thankful to get them done. Hate taxes... But don't we all!?!
8. Being there for family. Glad I could be. Thankful for Sheri's help this evening.
9. Hugs
10. Feet propped up.
Yes Lord even on this early morning rise and not so fun day...there is always lots to be grateful for if willing to stop and pause and see all the good in our lives and day. Thank you for the opportunity to see all of your goodness and glory I love you Lord thank you! Blessings
March 27~ Good morning! I could've slept a bit longer. But it seems I was wide awake at five. So I stayed in bed and just rested until I couldn't do it any longer. Wondering where my Spring is hiding. I think we may need to gather funds for hostage release. Rain is scheduled and over cast grey skies. So the collection plate is going around to pay the hostage fees to get Spring back. In the mean time my feet don't want to work and I have a doctors appointment I need to get too. I'm sure I will find many lovely things to be thankful for on this deary Spring day.
1. Being able to lay in bed and just rest until time to get up.
2. Morning coffee and prayers.Seems this is always on my list. I think it is a huge one to be thankful for.
3. Warm sweater to keep me warm today.
4. A doctor that I feel comfortable with and that is thorough.
5. Finishing up my taxes for my sister to help me file this weekend.
6.How truly blessed I am. As I go through my receipts I see how much I truly have been blessed with, throughout the year.
7. That I have food in my cupboards.
8. That I can drive myself to the many places I need to go too; or that I want to go too.
9. That I have friends that check in on me and pray for me. Thank you each and everyone of you. So glad you are a part of my life and enrich it so much.
10. No bills in the mail.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with another day filled with many gifts to be thankful for; each and everyday. Even in the nightmare of tax papers and pain you continue to bless me thank you. A pause in the day and a look around shows me all you have blessed me with each day. Thank you! Blessings
March 28~ Good morning! Another early morning rise. A day of beauty and smiles ahead of me. Time to pull myself together and get this day rolling. I'm sure I will find buckets of blessings to be thankful for.
1. The sun is shining.
2. The birds chirping. And fluttering about my patio.
3. Good morning call with mom. Love her insight. Blessed to still have her.
4. Morning drive on my country roads along the Clackamas River.
5. Being able to help a friend out today. Thank you for your many blessings into my life.
6. Treated to lunch. It was good. Thank you!
7. Belly laughter. Laughing so hard it hurt. Smiling just thinking about it.
8. Lightning up the house, by taking the darker curtains down. Much brighter!
9. Hang my birthday picture from Katherine Fischer Huston. Looks nice.
10. Help from Sherilynn Ganther with my house projects.
11. Feeling like Spring a bit today.
12. Feeling hopeful!
Thank you Lord for this day and the blessings you have my treasure box with. Blessings
March 29~ Good morning! I think Spring is trying to regain control of her season. The sun is shining brightly the birds are singing their good morning song. It's a good day to bring birthday wishes and say happy 60th David. I'm thinking this day is going to be chalked full of many blesses to be thankful for.
1. That with God that I can move through the pain and find joy and happiness.
2. That being able to bring a birthday song wrapped in cake and balloons can make a small difference.
3. Having amazing supportive friends. Even when you want to do things that don't make sense. Thank you Sherilynn Ganther.
4. Being able to get in my car and just drive.
5. A beautiful drive that made one huge circle if fun!
6. Discovering new places to explore.
7. Seeing all the beauty around me; and stopping to take it all in.
8. The joy a road trip brings. Along with the inner peace.
9. Seeing Katherine Fischer Huston.
10. The wonderful dinner Mae Huston made for Sheri and I. Thank you so much. It was very yummy!
11. The safe travels over Mt. Hood to home.
Just a little bit of the many gifts and blessings of the day today. Thank you Lord for for watching over us and the safe travels today. Everyday a new adventure filled with unspeakable blessings all around me. Thank you for the gift of today and all that is in it. Blessings
March 30~ Short night of sleep! Bummer! Good morning Webber Heather! Good morning Good Friday! Good morning to my little space in the world and those in it. Sunshine is missing once again! Must pay those pesky hostage fees to keep that Spring sunshine flowing through daily. Off to a rocky and bumpy start today. Wonder what waits ahead. I'm sure even on days that are rocky and bumpy there is plenty to be thankful for.
1. Morning coffee and the aroma that fills the house.
2. Heather's early morning phone call. Love you!
3. Morning guest for coffee Sherilynn Ganther, David, and Geo Sutter. The house is full!
4. Thank you Mary McCormick Loomis and the boys for your help once again. The muscles and transportation most appreciate. Your awesome!
5. A safe drive to my sister's in the The Dalles.
6. Girl scout shortbread cookies.
7. The stop at Mitchell Point on the way to my sister's.
8. Really enjoyed the winds on top the point blowing through. Felt like it was blowing all my problems and cares away. Hood bye problem!
9. My sister Rosie finishing up my taxes. Sounds funny....but....her and I yelling at each over taxes. So getting my taxes done well getting yelled at! Yippy! Yep I'm thankful for this 100%! And they are finished! No more Uncle Sam until next year. Remember if we ran our house the way he did we all be in prison. So I am extremely thankful I have this privilege and I'm done with it!
10. That I can find humor in a rocky and bumpy day.
11. That this day is coming to a close.
Thank you Lord for this day of rocky bumps so we might see your guiding hand of peace through the threads of the day and the gift in the process. Thank you for a night of peaceful rest. Blessings
March 31~ Marching into the last day of March as it marches right out. Good morning! And this day is off and running! Finding humor in the fact I said my taxes were done until next year. Hahaha! Joke was on me. Not yet! Uncle Sam didn't like something in those darn things. So ....we are frustrated and looking for humor. As we look for the humor I know we will find things to be grateful for today. Though today is going to be tough I know there will be gifts to be seen and found that will bring joy and happiness in the light of darkness and sadness.
1. That I have an amazing family that loves me and I love them.
2. That even when I'm yelling and screaming about taxes; that when they were rejected it was for my protection.
3. For a peaceful safe drive home from my sister's in the The Dalles.
4. Ice cream at East Winds in Cascade Locks.
5. Taxes being accepted! YEAH!!!
6. Being with my nephew Jonathan Good today as he said good bye to his best friend.
7. Thankful for the lessons of life lived fully and with great love and passion daily.
8. That everyday we have a chance to make a differences and to be there for those we love.
9. Hugs that say thank you I love you!
10. Being able to talk with Sherri Van Landingham Adams.
11. For photographs
12. My Carlos Santana heels...loved wearing them for a short time today.
13. Conversation with Crystal N Koch and prayers. Thank you so much! Miss you and love you!
14. Friends that are there and check in on you.
15. Hot showers to relax and close the day.
Yes! Lord you never fail in giving me many blessings to be more than thankful for each and everyday. Even on dark cloudy painful days when I think it is going to be impossible.....there they are lined up waiting for me to unwrap and discover; each one precious and each one a treasure. Thank you for never failing to fill and light each day with your abundance and goodness as I pause and see your wonders hand upon me and my life. Thank you! Blessings

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