The Hidden crystal beauty of the first Winter storms
The anticipation of
The Birth of the King
Pretty gifts all wrapped
Awaiting the arrival of the most
Anticipated day of the year
Lights all a glow
With hope in the air
With the glitter and dreams
Of so much more
December 10~ Good morning Sunday! Coffee with my girlfriends Sherilynn Ganther, and AmyJune McClure this morning; after crawling out of my warm bed of twelve blankets and seven pillows snuggled tightly around me. Why would I want to get up! But I did! Breakfast date out. Sheri and I head over to our morning breakfast date.... and it was so very yummy! It was a sirloin steak, eggs, hash browns and muffin. And of course the morning fuel coffee the most important part of the day! Then it was football and games to be played! And laughter and surprise's to be had by all! Then it was raffle time! Oh yes! I was one determined lady! I wanted that sweater. Thanks to some friends my tickets grew. Oh Bob was losing! He wanted the sweater as much if not more than I did! But in the end I was the winner! To bad Bob! It was a diffident rival between his tickets and mine. But in the end he did win the sweater. And He did look nice in it too! Then home to unwind from a wonderful day of sports, games, and fun with friends. Today Lord I'm thankful for a new found inner strength that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle of my crazy life. Thankful for the support of friends that love me just the way I am, with all my wrinkles and flaws. Thankful for the music of the heart that dances in silence and comes out to play unexpectedly in the most unusually places and times. Thankful for that music that makes the soul dance and come alive. Thankful I was a winner and was able to share the win with someone special. Thankful for hot showers that relaxes me and helps me go to sleep. Thankful for another day filled with the many gifts and blesses you provided daily for me Lord.With surprises at every turn. Thank you! Blessings
'December 11~ Woke early......Just wanted to sleep. But the pain wasn't letting me. Good morning Monday! I stayed in bed under my cozy warm blankets. Its cold and I hurt! Really don't want to get up this morning. I smell coffee brewing! That will make me get up. Thank you Sherilynn Ganther for starting the coffee. Nice to have you here. Thank you for staying this weekend and having fun and bringing smiles. Thank you for all the little things you did and just being the amazing you that you are. Oh I have so much to do and I really don't feel like doing anything. Okay lets get this day started with coffee and getting dressed. Put out garbage cans, some light cleaning. Say good bye to Sheri, have a good day my friend. Okay my scheduling got all tossed around. It is being redesigned. I think I will go to class this morning. It was surely worth me stopping and re-evaluating this day and going too. Came home and rested and really didn't do much. Took care of me. I'm very cold and I'm hurting today. So thinking this is going to be a rest and get some light house work done kind of day. Get some bills payed as well.Just regrouping to make it through a very busy week ahead. ICK! Why when the plate is full this happens. Okay! It all will work out it always does. Today Lord I'm thankful that you helped me re- design my day and that I could get the rest I needed, as well as some relief from the pain. I'm thankful for coffee brewing and the wonderful scent of fresh brewed coffee. I'm thankful for getting two of my Mary Kay orders together to take to California. Thank you ladies. Thankful that the East County winds are starting to die down. They are brutal! Thankful for being able to share and get great input on how to help deal with ongoing chronic pain. Thankful for the quiet that brings the sounds of the out doors inside. It has a musicality beauty all of its own as I listen to the wind, the chimes, planes flying over head, the bushes and trees whistling. The train going by, along with the sounds of traffic and doors. So many beautiful sounds that make it a magical dance in the evening as the day comes to a close. I'm thankful for the peace you bring that only you can Lord. I am so very thankful for your hand upon my life and the provisions that you provide to meet all of my many needs daily. Thank you! Blessings
December 12~ Good morning Tuesday! East County winds finally dying down! Yea! Still cold but at least the winds are going away. Woke early this morning and just stayed in my snugly warm bed and blankets saying prayers for many people this morning. Had many friends facing medical procedures today and some more tomorrow. Prayer list is long for health for many. Lord touch and heal them all and meet each one and their individual needs; thank you! Up and getting my motor running. Got the java flowing through the blood stream. Layered and bundled as I head out the door to my many appointments today. Thankful for each one as I look forward. Sherilynn Ganther glad we could run over to McDonald's for lunch. Love those happy meals. I like the toys inside. Then a gentleman gave me his toys from his happy meals, thank you sir. Time to gas up this car and fill her up with fuel. Finally home and hot soup for dinner. Yummy! Trying to figure out export on this darn computer. Not working out to well for me. Not fun! Then once again on the phone with Dish. Really? Once again, you tell me one thing then do another. It will be real easy to turn you off and have no TV bill. Today Lord I'm thankful for layers of clothes to stay warm. I'm thankful that I know you and I can have conversations with you and go to you in prayer and you will answer me. I'm thankful for left over soup to warm my insides and fill me up. I'm thankful for hair color and being able to wash that grey right out of my hair. Thankful for the beautiful evening sky. Yes though today was full and busy I'm thankful I stopped and made time for you and that you gave me strength for the day and meet all of my various needs. And sent a beautiful evening sky to close the day with. Thank you! Blessings
December 13~ Yet another early morning wake up for early morning prayers. More friends needing health and prayers for medical procedures again today. Lord I just ask that you would touch and heal each one with your healing hand of Gilead; be with all the surgeons and caregivers Lord.I thank you for touching and healing each one and giving them a speedy recovery in Jesus name Amen! It is the best way to start the day in prayers! Good morning Wednesday! Things changed in this day quickly. Phone call from back east from my step mom Joanne Good. We had a wonderful chat this morning. Praise God you are doing much better and that you and dad are in Maryland where you both can get the help you need and still stay at home. I love it! Time for me to get myself put together, after three cups of coffee you'd think I would be ready for the world. It has been a day filled with lots of information and those that I love requiring many prayers. Guess the prayer closet is where I truly need to be today. Off to see members from the Life Gate Baptist Church. Was going to just drop in and leave. That didn't happen. Thank you! It was lovely catching up with you all. It has been much to long. Then a long over due date with Randi Hilary. Always wonderful catching up with her. Must work harder on staying in touch in the up coming year. Phone calls from my handsome nephew Jonathan Good, hoping to catch up this week before I leave. Brother him so much. He is needing lots of prayers as well. Hoping to see him soon as well. Spoke to my beautiful friend Lori in Sacramento, she is hoping to see me while I'm there. So many people to touch bases with. Never enough time or minutes. Seems this day was full of many phone calls and prayers. Grateful for each and everyone of you. Lord today I'm thankful for my phone and all the calls I received today from those I love reaching out. I'm thankful for time with those from church and friends that I have shared a lifetime with. I'm super thankful for the surgeries that have taken place and the success and healing of each one Lord. I'm thankful for all the support that was surrounded around them in love. Thank you Sherilynn Ganther for keeping me posted today! I'm thankful for all the Mary Kay orders that I am gathering to take to California with me. I'm thankful for The beautiful wreath I received today as a gift. I'm thankful to have gotten to talk with Joanne today and that I was home to receive that call. Lord I'm thankful you direct my path and place me exactly where I'm suppose to be. Thank you for your divine intervention and provisions. Thank you for answered prayers and your love encamped about all those that I love. I am truly blessed in this life. Thank you! Blessings
December 14~ The east county winds are back with a vengeance. They scared me so bad I pulled the blankets over my head. Didn't help! Blew and torn down the neighbors gutter. So thankful it didn't hit my car. Good morning Thursday! Think it truly would be a great day to stay in bed. But....must get up. Brother is coming by. Coffee, prayers, get myself put together. A lovely little morning chat with Geo Sutter. You sounded good. Praying the Lord heal you quickly along with a few others in Jesus name amen. Brother arrives and we chat. Many prayers for you. Glad I could cut your hair for you. Seems the memo is lost on my retirement reguarding hair. I guess that would be good since I love keeping my fingers in the business. Worked on packing my luggage today. Just not doing to well with that. Not good....time is running out. Needs to get done. Afternoon appointment........enlightment, laughter, with well wishes. Then off to the jewelry store to have my jewels cleaned and checked. All looks good but one piece is out for repairs. Today Lord I'm thankful for my brother coming over and getting to see him and spend some time with him. I miss him so much. Thankful for life time guarantees on my jewelry. Thankful that the gutter didn't hit my car. Thankful for clean warm clothing. Thankful for another day filled with prayers, opportunities and blessings. Thank you Lord for this day. Blessings
December 15~ WOW! How things change in a year and two years. Two years ago an unexpected goodbye. And last year a conversation I had no idea would be my last one. Had I known I would have said things differently. You are so missed. Pray life is good for you. Hello Friday! Today is a big day. Another huge life changing event. Thank youSherilynn Ganther for going with me. heading to doctors. Detour to Multnoham Falls. I love that place. It brings me such peace. Watching them do so much work around the lodge and the scenic highway making it safe for us all once again. Early to doctor which turned out good. Lots of paperwork to fill out. Yea! good news. No surgery at this time. When I retired two months ago it bought me extra time on my feet. YEA! He did say it will happen just not right now. Had I continued working, I would be in surgery after the first of the year. Thank you Lord for helping me to come to the decision to retire. Lunch with my sister Rosie was a blast today. She had Gary with her. He is so darn cute. We called Santa so he could talk to him. His facial expressions priceless. Thank you for lunch Rosie. Heading home we stopped by Tippy Canoe where they had everything decorated in a Winter wonderland of fun. Then Sheri helped me finishing packing for my trip. Thank you ever so much. Only things left or last minute. Today Lord I'm thankful for Sheri coming along with me to the doctors. The awesome doctors report that my friend received today that he is cancer free. YEA! Now onto healing from the surgery. Prayers continue to go up. Thankful Lord for my awesome doctors report today that I don't have to have surgery for awhile. Thankful for lunch with my sister and great nephew. The phone call to Santa that bright smiles and amazement to my great nephews face. Thankful for the help of getting my suitcases packed for up coming travel. That I had clear roads today traveling from home to Hood River and back again. I'm thankful for the Christmas wonderland that I so enjoy. Today Lord I'm thankful for this day that you have blessed me with. For answered prayers, for a chance to see all the goodness you continue to bless me with daily. I'm thankful for your provision and healing hand upon those I love and myself Lord. I am so very thankful. Blessings
With the shorter days
And the highly anticipation of
Of the Jolly
Old St. Nick
Each child sits and writes
Their wish list
Of dreams.
Whats on your?
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