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Thursday, February 9, 2012

365 Days Of Pictures ~ Day 352

This is what is on my mind.
This photo was taken last March 2011

I may have changed the color a bit and my style.
I still love to cover that strange weave of grey that some little elves come in and weave in at night while I sleep.
How dare they!
They didn't even ask permission.
 They just decided that was their job
And decided that was what they wanted to do.

So then I must go in and correct this horrible little grey weave that was created by them.
They seem to come and visit ever night without even being asked to stop by.
What's that about I ask?
They say it is their job!
Well my job is to cover it quickly!

So grateful for my color bottle.
Whatever color that is that I decide upon.

I'm thinking I will be getting this done in the next few days before my birthday arrives.
I think I should cover that aging grey that was weaved in while I was sleeping.
That is so unexpectedly done ever night as I sleep.

Not sure what color I will go this time around.
I'm sure I will be staying in the red zones.
Come late Spring I may go a bit blonder.

I find color so fun an expressive.
Can change with my mood;
I guess!

Time For Color

Do you have little elves that visit while you sleep and weave grey in your hair?

1 comment:

Denise said...

Thanks for making me smile.