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Sunday, January 8, 2012

365 Days Of Pictures ~ Day 319

It seems I have fallen a bit behind once again.
I'm sure hoping to get back on track and stay on track.
That would also mean back to reading and catching up.
I still have about two more weeks before that will happen.
But will try and at least stay on top of the photo's.

So my catch up picture is rolling us through memories of the sixties.
It is incredible what you find on the city streets and what fun memories some will bring back.
While yet others just bring huge smiles.
Some make you wonder.
But always make you believe that there is more to come.

Rolling Memories Of The Sixties

Do you have fond memories of the sixties?


21 Wits said...

Not so much, as I started going to school then....when the world was experiencing really hot and wild stuff....but I do love seeing pictures, and this very cool van....those peace signs and stuff still rock places...I used to go to a shop in junior high that featured stuff like that....and incense burning....just couldn't get enough of that very cool smell, for the most part....some of it was way too strong!

Southhamsdarling said...

I absolutely love that vintage VW Camper van, and the beautiful colours it has been painted with. My daughter and family in France have a 1969's VW camper van, and it's such fun going out in it, especially to the beach! I see that you;re trying to catch your tail again!! Take care my friend.