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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

365 Days Of Pictures ~ Day 337

I couldn't make up my mind on which photo to use.
As you know CK and I loved to take walks.
But this past Summer they became less and less.
These where from a walk we took back in May last year 2011.

She wasn't to thrilled with me as you can see.
I wanted to get some pictures of her on this little foot bridge over on the school campus.
I took about ten.
These two I would have to say where my favorites.

I think she really didn't enjoy walking on the ground over to the foot bridge.
As there where broken shells and I'm sure they where hurting her paws.
As I look back and think about it.

It was as though she was saying really mom?
Do we have to do this.
I'm not happy about it...
If it makes you happy mom.
Then I will do it for you.

I'm so glad to have these photos of her.
As she isn't as active as she once was.

Today we visited one of her friends Monty.
He isn't doing well.
But we had a very nice visit.

Hoping the photos I took of them today turned out.
Will be sharing later I'm sure.

This Is For You Mom!

Really...? Mom..?
Are We Done Yet?

Do you enjoy going through old photos and cleaning them out?

1 comment:

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Bethe. I do love it when you post photos of dear CK. These two are beautiful. She is being so patient with you here. Bless!