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My journey through my day and my life with its andotes and life lessons of the day. The gifts and blessing of those people the Lord has surrounded me with along with the many treasure's He has left for me to open and enjoy along the way. My walk with my Lord and Savior, Prayers, Work, Play. Pictures of the gifts and blessing. My journey through life and how it has strengthened, blessed me or............

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Fill-Ins~

Thought I would link up with Friday Fill-In.
I haven't done this link in a long time.
It is a fun one to join in on.
Come and join in on the fun.
This weeks fill-ins are:

1. When _____
2. Where _____
3. How _____
4. Why _____
5. Time _____
6. What if _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

1. When I can fully walk again I will go on a long walk; maybe a hike with a friend.
2. Where the trees grow tall the water falls down the rocks of the beautiful Columbia Gorge.
3. How will I ever get the strength back? To enjoy those long walks and hikes.
4. Why this happened I will never know. But....the time I have with the Lord is priceless.
5. Time is all I have on my hands I continue to heal in my recovery. Which I had very little of before the ankle break.
6. And as for the weekend, I will rest and dream of the walks and hikes I will enjoy in the future.
Tonight I'm looking forward to falling asleep at a descent time.
Tomorrow my plans include more rest and prayers for a speedy recovery.
And Sunday some time with my honey.
I want to go on an adventure where I can walk and run once again.

Do you enjoy going on walks or hikes?

No Matching Shoes

Below is two fundraiser links to help through this four months of recovery and medical bills. As I carried half the bills through my work.
We have no medical insurance to cover medical.
We are in the process of applying for help.
Through much prayers and through encouragement of some friends they suggested I give these a try.
Medical bills are piling up.
Just the few that have arrived already are near $30,000.
And still coming in.
God is faithful and I trust this is alp going to be paid in full;
and every need meet through Him
Thank you!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Be blessed sweety.