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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Three Word Wednesday~

Focused; adjective: Directing a great deal of attention, interest, or activity towards a particular aim.

Pair; noun: A set of two things used together or regarded as a unit; an article or object consisting of two joined or corresponding parts not used separately; verb: Join or connect to form a pair.

Vacant; adjective: (Of premises) having no fixtures, furniture, or inhabitants; empty; (of a position or office) not filled; (of a person or their expression) having or showing no intelligence or interest.

Focused on the goal
The pair worked hard
On the project before them
Knowing the need of a vacant area
Quickly they put aside their difference
To complete the task at hand


Do you work well with your spouse on huge projects? Or do you have different ideas on how they should be done?

Ankle After Work

Below is two fundraiser links to help with medical bills. 
We have no medical insurance to cover medical.
As I have just started back to work there is still not much of an income.
I will not see a pay check until mid January.
I also am not working the jobs I once had as I am unable too.
I was also released from one of my jobs that paid a bulk of the bills.
Through much prayers and through encouragement of some friends they suggested I give these a try.
Though only two people have responded.
God has been faithful in other ways.
Medical bills are piling up.
Just the few that have arrived already are near $30,000 plus.
And still coming in.
God is faithful and I trust this is alp going to be paid in full;
and every need meet through Him
Thank you!


RMP said...

first, yikes on the ankle; I imagine it must be quite achey by the end of the day.

sometimes it is hard to set aside differences in order to accomplish a desired task, but definitely well worth the effort.

rallentanda said...

All I can say is 'diurnal warfare' on the differences of opinion on how a task should be achieved.

Stan Ski said...

Can't beat a bit of teamwork!

Jeff said...

It can be tough to find that vacant area sometimes, leave the clutter behind to come together in a common space. Nice work!