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Monday, October 31, 2011

Prompt 2: Two Words (TW) – ACID TEST

Prompt 2: Two Words (TW)ACID TEST
A new month of acrostic's. Every month a new batch of words and challenges are released for us to work with. Please go check them out over at:

Atoms brilliant as the word
Conclusive value passed the critics
In the decisive trail test
Determined the worth and quality

Trustworthy pioneering tells the story
Examples used for chemical use
Series of test in technique
Tastes and smells of compounds

~ Beth ~

Did you enjoy science in school?


Rosebud Collection said...

Always enjoy reading what you write..Good for you Beth..keep it coming..xoRosebud..

Nanka said...

Well done Beth!!...and I'm sure you are a Chemistry student!! :)