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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thankful List March 12/2020

Thankful List

Thankful List
1. Up and enjoying my morning coffee
2. Sunshine to warm the day
3. The little birds in my kitchen window to remind of God's love and provisions.
4. Tennis shoes
5. Seeing my nephew and great nephew always brings joy and fills my heart.
6. Seeing my brother
7. My coat...though the sun is is very cold.
8. My daughter Heather calling seeing how I'm surviving the Coronavirus. I laugh.....I love you honey thank you for checking in on me.
9. Love our phone conversations..... but loved it more when you showed up at my house.
10. Going out with you and meeting up with Cindy and enjoying the evening.

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you Lord for meeting all of my various needs abundantly spoken and unspoken daily.
Good night my family and friends sweet dreams until tomorrow's morning.

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