I had a slow day at salon so ended up leaving rather early. But left me with some time on my hands.
I wanted to get some things to put together my Adopt-A-Grandparent gifts as well as some items to put together a gift basket for one of my clients. So a shopping I went.
I headed off to the dollar tree http://www.dollartree.com/ I always find great finds there for gift baskets and other small trinkets when putting together packages that can add that extra look or bling to make it more attractive to the eye. And I did find lots and lots of goodies to make some great special gifts for the Adopt-A-Grandparent. There is still time if you would like to be apart of that. the cost is 15 each which will include Mary Kay Lotion www.marykay.com/ehernandez1 a pair of gloves and some candy. Please feel free to contact me and or order via my web page.
Then I needed to find some candy canes so I went to Safeway. As I walked into the door here was the most adorable little Santa Elves ever.They where ten each, how could I resist such adorable elves, Piper and Evan are their names.
So I was able to get Piper and Evan along with my candy canes.
As I was wandering around Lowe's I found some great bargains. They had just placed all their Christmas decorations at 40% off. I'm a Christmas nut! And I cannot resist these lights and bargains at all. So I added a few more to my collection. I got a LED Snowman and LED Santa Claus. along with Santa in a Sleigh and a music box Snowman that plays 15 Christmas Carols as well. I was so excited and thrilled. They worded out well with the decor that I had going on already. I say Merry Christmas to ME!!!
So as Christmas grows in our home with new additions of decorations and Santa stopping by early to drop off presents to be delivered to loved ones; you can see we are having a very blessed Christmas season with
all the joys of the season.
As you so the tree is looking full and beautiful with all its trim and the added packages that seem to appear magically when no one is looking. All that is really left for me to do is to finish wrapping a few packaging. Then boxing up the goodies for family and friends and get them mailed off to be delivered to their doors via UPS http://www.ups.com/ and the Untied States Postal Service http://www.usps.com/. Then of course their are the few Christmas cards along with the Christmas Letter that is yet to be complete. Must work on that one.
Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rest. Luke-2:14
I would love to have those ELVES, wish you would sell them, I would pay $150 easily! :)
My wife has been searching for 3 years for these elves and sadly no luck. It would make her Christmas if I could get her them! 🎄
Im very sorry but these are not for sale. They are apart of my Christmas decor that I have for my grandchildren. If and when I ever would sell them I will gladly let you know. But at this time they are not for sell. Im sorry!
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
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