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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A U-Turn

Some days start out great!
It progresses with no incident's,
Then without looking
You need to make a U-turn
Things have just went astray
How could everything go along just fine...
You turn your head for a moment
Then you have to re-collect
Re-think it all!
What just happened?
Oh yes!
It is called life!
When your doing life,
Life will throw you a curve ball.
All you can do
Is make a U-turn.
Throw up your hands
That you just made it through.
Tomorrow is  a new day
And life will throw curve balls!
Be ready and prepared
The U-turns in life
Maybe the very one that saves your life.

For my brother,
I pray you are healed and that you will be fine my dear brother.
I pray for your health and well being.
May you know how much you are loved
May your doctors have God's wisdom and insight.
May you have the Lords peace and may you rest in Him.
May you live a long and happy life my dear brother.
Thank you Lord for this in Jesus name Amen

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