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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Accountability ~ With Gym and Workouts

Well I almost didn't make it in time to work out with one of my work out partner's. I was having so much fun catching up on some blog reading this morning. I lost all track of time. And we all know I cannot call that an exercise or a workout. Well.... maybe that isn't totally true. It is a work out to catch up on all the blogs that I am reading; and to type up a great post. But I didn't realize I needed to get running out the front door for at least a short work out this morning. I am as well behind in getting my packing and orders put together for my trip. I have to go out to the garage tomorrow and get my spiral perm rods out as the two older girls want to have their beautiful locks permed. Now that will be a work out when I get there. Today I did have a wonderful time on the tread mill catching up with my girlfriend. Thank you Cindy for your awesome support and encouragement! I did 55 minutes on the tread mill. Like I said it was a short work out. But I at least got one in. With the foot hurting and the hive break out its a wonder I even made it. Hoping to get at least one more work out before I leave for California. My work out there will be chasing after 10 grandchildren; as well as running around catching up with friends; making a few business calls and delivers. I'm really glad I have been getting in at least an hour when I do go or more. I now feel the difference when I don't go and work out. easy to fall out of this great habit though.So I need to keep pushing my self and being faithful to my goal.
{Workout for April 18th 2012 late posting}

Are you ready for the Spring and Summer fashions?


Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there. I must say Bethe, that I am full of admiration for you and your commitment to your fitness regime. Brilliant, and well done you my friend! Oh, how exciting that you're going to be seeing your girlies and ALL your grandchildren. You must be so thrilled, because I know you don't see them nearly as often as you would like. Have a safe trip and have a wonderful, blessed time with the family. I am so happy for you!

Denise said...

You are so determined, I love that.

Kathe W. said...

10 grandchildren! Wow! They will give you a workout-enjoy your visit!