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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thankful List October 10/2019

Thankful List

Thankful List:
1. Awake for another day to fill my page of life with.
2. Indoor plumbing
3. Unexpected tears that bring healthy healing to the heart and soul.
4. Sharing with Crystal N Koch and praying for one another. Thank you for being there for me today.
5. Fresh air
6. Brisk late morning early afternoon walk.
7. Getting caught up on my blog
8. Talking to mom. I love you so much!
9. Supportive family and friends
10. An evening out.....great company, music and just having fun.
11. Being able to hear all the sounds around me.
12. Making safe and healthy boundaries

Thank you Lord for another day filled with your provisions and love. Meeting all of my needs daily spoken and unspoken.
Good night my family and friends. Thank you for always being the best part of my life and making memories to treasure a lifetime. Sweet dreams until tomorrow at morning light.

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