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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thankful List October 15/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Slow start to my day
2. Fun banter with an old friend
3. My glasses to see
4. Long sleeved shirt
5. Hearing from an d friend from grade school. So nice to catch up a bit.
6. Photographers that tell a've come a long way baby!
7. Meeting up with the ladies for taco Tuesday. Always so much fun. So enjoy our time together.
8. A good walk to get in our steps with Cindy and the fur babies
9. DVR to watch programs at my leisure. And with no commercials.
10. Talking to my daughter Heather several times today. I love you so much honey. Mom is praying.

Thank you Lord for another day of smiles. With laughter and friendship. Thank you for meeting all of my needs spoken and unspoken daily.
Good night my family and friends sweet dreams until tomorrow.

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