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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thankful List October 16/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Morning coffee and prayers
2. Rainy Fall day
3. A pretty drive on the backroads along the river road to Oregon City. I truly love this drive.
4. Bringing smiles of beauty to Dolores and her mom Della.
5. Meeting up with Tami today. So nice to see you and catch up.
6. Getting my beautiful dahlias for 3 dollars today.
7. Several little walks today. Including the evening walk with Cindy and the fur babies.
8. Dinner with Cindy and her family. Thank you!
9. Hot shower and fuzzy warm night clothes
10. Family and friends that enrich my life.
11. My daughter's and grandchildren I love you all so very much.

Thank you Lord for this day and the peaceful joy of this day. Thank you for meeting all of my needs spoken and unspoken daily.
Good night my family and friends thank you for being the best part of life.

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