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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Three Word Wednesday

Brief, adjective: Of short duration; concise in expression; using few ; (of a piece of clothing) not covering much of the body; scanty; noun: A concise statement or summary; a set of instructions given to a person about a job or task; a written summary of the facts and legal points supporting one side of a case, for presentation to a court.; a letter from the pope to a person or community on a matter of discipline.
verb [with object]: Instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.

Expose, verb/adjective: Make (something) visible, typically by uncovering it; reveal the true and typically objectionable nature of (someone or something); (usually as adjective exposed) leave or put (someone) in an unprotected and vulnerable state (often as adjective exposed) leave (something) uncovered or unprotected, esp. from the weather.

Insist; verb: Demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal; (insist on) demand forcefully to have something; (insist on) persist in doing something even though it is annoying or odd.

You insist upon
A life time change
The raw emotions
Of the brief affair 
Left exposed
Now a life time ago
Comes changes 
Neither planned


Do you like to travel during the Christmas season to exotic places?

1 comment:

AM Zafaran said...

Packed with meaning! I liked how you used the three words!