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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Three Word Wednesday~

Combative, adjective: Ready or eager to fight; pugnacious.

Represent, verb: Be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), esp. in an official capacity; of a competitor) participate in a sports event or other competition on behalf of (one's club, town, region, or country; be an elected member of a legislature for (a particular constituency, party, or group); constitute; amount to; depict (a particular subject) in a picture or other work of art.

Sluggish, adjective: Slow-moving or inactive; lacking energy or alertness; slow to respond or make progress. 

Each morning sluggish 
Reaching for that cup of coffee
My body combative
Until that first cup of coffee
Then I awake 
Three cups later
Ready to represent the day
With smiles and sunshine
Looking for the best in the day


Do you enjoy morning coffee or tea?

1 comment:

rallentanda said...

I would have to be hospitalised drinking that amount of coffee:)
Merry Christmas Bethe.