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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Thankful List September 21/2019

Thankful List

Thankful list:
1. Sleeping past eight in the morning
2. Morning breakfast with Cindy, Maryanne, and Kurt. Thank you for a nice breakfast and morning.
3. Finding Himalayan salt hand wash at the Dollar Tree.
4. Helping to decorate for the surprise birthday party
5. The wonderful sunshine and warm weather for the day
6. Cute Hawaiian palazzo pants and a white top for the surprise birthday party.
7. Being able to take photos and videos of the surprise party
8. Enjoying a great group of young people and their growing families.
9. The love and concern of those around me. Making sure I get home safely.
10. Amazing group of young adults that I had a pleasure of meeting and partying with.
11. Getting home safely
12. Being able to sleep in my own bed.

Thank you Lord for another day of smiles and celebrations with your prefect provisions.
Good night my sweet family and friends. I love you.

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