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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Prayer 2011

As we close the year of 2010 I thank you Lord for all the blessing you have bestow upon my beloved ones family, friends and myself.
The year has been filled with many unexpected joys and I thank you for the treasures I have found in each day and how they have enriched me as well as grew me to be the person I was created to be in you Lord.
I thank you that you would continue to enrich my life daily with each new treasure awaiting me to be unwrapped each new day of 2011. Help me to see the glory in each new sun rise and sunset Lord. And everything in between as well.
Be with those I love and heal those that need your healing touch of love Lord. Give them your grace and mercy to see their need for your grace and love that would carry them to their next Victory in every area of their life Lord.
Help us to seek the goodness and the love of our families and those that we hold dear.
Let us have the jobs that would full fill the need to care for us and to get us excited everyday to want to go to work Lord. Guide us and direct us in every step as we follow you and your leading in Jesus name.
Help us all to become debit free and owe no man no money but to be the lender and not the borrower in Jesus name. Help us to be wise with our fiances and not to be foolish as the world would be Lord. Bring in the resources and the skills we will need to do the work at hand to bring in the fiances required to meet our daily needs in Jesus name.
Show us the work that would bring satisfaction each day as we set our hand to the plow Lord. Let it give glory and honor to you in Jesus name.
Draw us closer to you and bring those alongside of us who will challenges us to be who you intended and created us to be. Grow us and challenge us.
Help us to see the good in everyday and everyone and everything Lord. Don't let us let a day pass that we aren't thankful for all that you have blessed us with in each day. Let us find the small and large miracles and gifts in each new day of 2011.
Be with those in authority Lord that rule and lead. Give them wisdom and knowledge to make the decision's that would be in the best interest of the whole not the party or the person who desires one thing over another. Give direction and send those along side to help encourage and guide those in positions of leadership and authority Lord.
Be with those serving in the areas of service for our country as well as abroad and at home Lord. Keep a hedge of protection encamped about them. Let no weapons formed against them prosper Lord.  Keep them out of harms way we ask in Jesus name. Bring each service person home safely to their families Lord. Thank you for their service and their hearts to lay down their lives for our freedoms as you have given your son for ours in Jesus name.
Help those searching for work Lord. Bring in the resources and work for those in need Lord. Help with keeping them in their homes so they aren't destitute from lack Lord. Bring in the horn of plenty.
Let the economy improve each day for the better Lord. We thank you for opening the doors of opportunity and creativity for work Lord.
We thank you that we would look to you and your glory and righteousness in the New Year Lord. We thank you for 2010 and rejoice in the year ahead 2011. We give you the honor and the glory in the mighty name of Jesus Amen

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