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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lent Season ~ Thankful List/Verse With Prayer: Day 14

Today was a strange day for me emotionally. It started out just fine. Went to work and go things accomplished and done, that needed to be done. Then came home and tried working on my taxes. That didn't go well at all. So I decided I would try again tomorrow. CK was in and out all afternoon. As the sun was shining beautifully outside. it was very chilly though. So I caught a chill. Made hubby a salad for dinner which he has been asking for. It was one of those days that I wanted to delete out. But then this evening all that turned around with some laughter and fun. Sharing music and good times with some classmates on Face Book. It is amazing how God works. Thankful for the time we shared this evening.  Just never know how God will help you turn a day around. :)

Thankful List Of Five

  1. Laughter and smiles sharing music and friendship via Face Book with all friends. Thank you to each one for you bring joy to my heart.
  2. Sunshine for the day that brightens my soul
  3. Daughters that call and say; "mom we love you"
  4. God's promises
  5. The air I breathe

Galatians 6:9

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Thank you, God, for people who help with no thought of recognition or reward. Help me to be one of those people. 

Do you ever have those days where you want to delete delete delete? And start all over or just never get out of bed?


Denise said...

My friend, we all have those days, so glad God turned your day around.

Unknown said...

wow, just happened on to your site, Beth, and love it!!! I truly believe that there are positive things to be found in almost any situation.... Heaven knows I have been in most of them!! Keep up the good work and pop over to my site when you can. I am a brand new blogger and need any help I can get!! Have a great day!