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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Accountability ~ With Gym and Workouts

I just love Maxine!
She makes live a big laugh a minute.
She is so relate able to me.
Especially with me starting up this new exercise routine.

So today I woke up and knew I had to go to the gym.
Its like I cannot believe that I am going.
As I dressed all I was thinking;
 Is I want to hurry up and get there;
So I can get this done and over with.
The idea of spending much time in a gym is crazy to me.
But okay!
I need to get in shape
Loss some weight
Which will help with good health
Along with some good eating habits.
I want to loss the muffin top;
Which causes me much grief in many of my tops with my jeans
I tried on some today that I haven't worn in awhile.
Oh my!
I so need to get rid of the muffin top
Along with those thunder thighs.
So lots of sit ups for sure.
Some leg lifts as well.
So today I,
Did 35 minutes on the tread mill
100 sit ups with about 40 lbs of weight.

Later in the day I did a bit of walking around the complex.
CK and I did a little walk.
That was a huge chore for her.
Made me so sad.
But we got out in the fresh air.

So my second day of the gym is over.
Now to work on staying away from foods that aren't exactly good for me as well.
Stage by stage and step by step on will be on track.
Each day gives me a new opportunity to get a bit closer to my goal of a new me.
The Rock hard Beth!
A girl can dream can't she?

Do you prefer to have a work out partner or a trainer?

1 comment:

Denise said...

Keep dreaming, those dreams can, and will come true.